Artemis Fowl - Be the One ✔

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A/N: Just a suggestion but you should wait until I say so to play the song above! It'll make it way better! Also, you both are older in this, like in your 20's.
Edited 8.8.17

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Artemis yells to you, dragging you along with him, "We don't want to be late!"

You look up at him and smile, "Alright! Alright! I'm coming! But what exactly don't we want to be late for? You know I don't like surprises!"

He stopped walking before turning around to face you and giving you a kiss on the forehead. "Don't worry, it's a good surprise!" He replied, his Irish accent filling your ears, before turning back around and continuing to drag you onto a plane.

You and Artemis had been dating for about two and a half years now, and he usually never pulled surprises like this. He either told you or at least gave you a hint of what you were doing. This time, though, the only things he told you was that you both were going on a four and a half hour flight and that you needed to pack a suitcase to last a couple days. He put his stuff in your suitcase too, since there was plenty of room and he didn't feel like dragging "unnecessary cargo". You sighed, putting away the suitcase in the compartment above before sitting down next to him in your seat. You really did hate surprises. You rolled your eyes looked over at him, hoping to find any sort of hint in the expression he was wearing. But of course, his expression was blank. 

"Arty!" You groaned out, rolling your eyes again, "Why won't you tell me what we're doing?" This causes him to look at you and sigh.

"I already told you why. It's a surprise! That means that you aren't supposed to know!" you frown at this.

"But I hate surprises..." you mumble as you cross your arms.

"Oh don't be so childish, (Y/N). You'll know soon enough, I promise." He put his arm over your shoulder and kissed your cheek. "I love you, (Y/N)." At this, you uncrossed your arms and hugged him.

"I love you too, Arty." You smiled. You were glad that he allowed you to call him by the nickname. Usually, he calmly insulted people when they called him that, except his mother, of course, who the nickname originated from.

After that, the announcement speakers went off, telling everyone to fasten their seat belts and prepare for flight. A peaceful four and a half hour long flight soon followed, and the whole time you couldn't help but wonder where you were going.

When you arrive at the airport, you both walk off the plane, the suitcase now being dragged along by Artemis. According to Artemis, it was currently 5:30. Though you still didn't know where you were. Well, that was until you saw someone holding a sign that read "Bienvenue à Paris!" [That means "Welcome to Paris!" by the way] You gasped and looked over at Artemis, who held a smug grin on his face. You squealed in delight and hugged him as hard as you could, a passionate kiss following soon afterward. You definitely caught him off guard, but he was more than happy to return the kiss. You were the one to break the kiss before talking again, the smile that adorned your face never leaving.

"You brought me to Paris? Oh my god, I love you!" he smiled sweetly at your reaction before replying.

"It's nothing, my dear." He gave you a peck on the lips before continuing on. "Now I have a few things planned for tonight, but I think we should check into our hotel room first." He said, his voice now back to its calm Irish default.

We hail a taxi and before we know it, we're at the hotel and paying the driver.

"So, what's the special occasion, Artemis? I mean it must be something, right? Oh god, did I forget our anniversary? I am so sorry I thought it was a couple months from now an-" He gets you to stop talking by kissing you.

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