Sorry! Tagged!!

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Hi guys! Sorry, I was tagged in a thing so Imma just do it here. I haven't had much time to write any oneshots yet, but I'm working on a new book that's just a book of Stargate Fanfiction, like ships, xreader and short OC stories all into one. Once Spring Break comes, though, I'll definitely have enough time to write! Love you all, now on with the tag!

1. Do I like someone?
- If this counts fictional characters then definitely.

2. Do they like me?
- Lol no, people who aren't real can't do that....

3. Middle Name?
- Joy [After my bitchy grandma]

4. Single or Taken?
- Single Pringle

5. Last Person I texted?
- LlamaMorph

6. Last song I listened to?
- Uhh...... Souvenir by Korn

7. Battery Percent?
- Umm.... I'm on a desktop so.... infinity?

8. Girl Best Friend?
LlamaMorph and MoonStar101Peg ... if it counts to have two. I can't choose, okay!

9. Guy Best Friend?
MuscialConfusion (aka Thomas or Ash)

10. Favorite OTP?
- Ooooh umm.. Haymitch and Effie from the Hunger Games! Together forever <3

11. Why I made my account?
- Well, I made this account to hide my fanfiction from my friends and then I was like "ah screw it" so I just showed my shame to them all and now it's the only account I really use since I stopped using the other one.

12. Current Lock Screen?
- Oh it's a picture of Sherlock and it say's "I am Sherlocked" [Down Below!!!]

 Current Lock Screen?- Oh it's a picture of Sherlock and it say's "I am Sherlocked" [Down Below!!!]

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13. Birthday?
- June 29th, 2002

I tag...

Not many people, I know, but idc... Have a good night everyone! And be on the lookout for more chapters, I'll try to post one ASAP!
Stay beautiful ;)
- Kassey

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