Daryl Dixon - Alexandria

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I screamed, the smell of rotting flesh filling my nose. I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die. The thought filled my head, sending me into panic mode. I need to calm down if I'm gonna stay alive. Okay enough panicking! Concentrate you pussy! My scream evolved into a growl as I tried to push the zombie away, who was currently trying to eat my face off. I tried to reach into my back pocket to grab my knife, but I wasn't strong enough to do that and hold off the zombie. Yep, I am most definitely going to die.

An arrow shot through the head of the zombie, making it slump to the ground. How the hell.... I heard the crunching of leaves coming towards me, making me look over to see two men. The one with the crossbow had brown shoulder-length hair that partially covered his eyes and a black leather vest. He was good looking, but in a menacing way. The other one had dark-blond curly hair and a denim jacket on. He looked like one of those Mormons you would see on your doorstep Sunday morning and you would politely try to tell that you weren't interested, but they wouldn't listen and continue to try and push their religion onto you. 

"Hello my name is Aaron and this is Daryl, what's your name?" The blond one spoke up.

"I'm (Y/N). Thank you for saving my life." I say, unable to think of anything else. My (*dominant hand*) was currently gripping my knife, which I secretly grabbed from my back pocket and is now hidden in my jacket sleeve. Even if they saved my life, it's not like that's gonna make me automatically trust them.

"Do you have a group anywhere?" Aaron asked.

I shake my head. "I had a group a while back but they died from a zombie attack. Me and my brother (B/N) were the only ones left but..... but he died too." I sighed. "Why do you wanna know anyways?" I snapped. "Are you lonely or some shit and looking for a group for yourselves?"

"No, we already have a group. We're just trying to find as many people as we can to recruit. You see, we live in a town called Alexandria. It's not too far from here, and if you'd like to join us you're more than welcome to." He explained. Through all of this, I realized the dark haired man named Daryl hadn't said a word.

"... Well I hate to be so open and trusting but I guess since I got nowhere else to go......." I sighed. "Let me gather up my stuff..." I say, putting my knife away and grabbing my backpack, placing the few scattered items I had inside.

"Before you come with us, we gotta ask you a few mandatory questions." The dark haired man finally spoke up.

I strung the straps of my backpack over my shoulders. "Okay, shoot."

"One. How many walkers have you killed?" He asked.

"427." I responded.

He looked a bit surprised that I responded with an exact number, but carried on. "Two, how many people have you killed?"

"One." I said, the memory plaguing my thoughts.

"Last question, Why?" Daryl asked his final question.

"Ever since the apocalypse broke out, I thought I should count how many zombies I'd kill. Maybe I thought it'd make me feel better about how I'm making the world safer, one kill at a time. It didn't really... just made me think about how they were real people once....." I sighed. "And the man I killed was my father. He contracted the virus and he told me to kill him. I didn't want to do it but.... I ended up doing it anyways.... Did I answer your questions right?" I frowned.

Daryl nodded, "Welcome to the group (Y/N). Let's get back to Alexandria." He said, turning around and walking away with Aaron and I following close behind him.

"So (Y/N), do you have any.. useful abilities? Like medical training, engineering, etc?" Aaron asked.

I nodded. "I was a doctor until this happened." I shrugged.

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