Lucifer [SPN] - Favors

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Prompt: A couple years ago you sold your soul to the devil. Today he gives it back and says, "I need a favor."

I sat at my desk, pen in hand. I was currently writing a note to my poor mother. Well, she wasn't exactly my mother but she was the closest thing I had to one.

"God, how should I start this? I fucked up, Rowena. Not currently did I fuck up, but about nine years ago. You see, I did the exactly what you told me not to do. I messed with The Devil. You were showing me all these magical things that I was able to do, and I loved that. But I couldn't do enough, not to my younger self's standards. Remember when I ran away when I was 17? I ran away to the crossroads, and I sold my soul to the devil. That's how I was able to do so much more when I came back. That's why I stopped showing emotion around you because I suddenly had none. Just an empty feeling of what I once was. The contract of a sold soul is ten years, for me, that's in one week. In one week I'm going to be dead. I just felt you needed a reason why. I also felt you needed to know that I love you. Thank you for being there for me.

I'm sorry,

(Y/N) (L/N)"

A tear rolled down my cheek and hit the page. Oh well, I've had it coming anyway. After all of the bad things I've done, I deserve it. Wait a second, a tear? I never cry. Having no soul prevents that. Before I had time to think about my answer, the door flew open with a gust of wind. I turn around in surprise to see the Devil himself.

"Hey Dollface, good to see you again. Look, I'm in a bit of a pinch here. I need a favor." He threw me a sly grin. His blond hair was in a sort of quiff style and his beard was shaggy and a couple shades darker than his actual hair.

"What the hell are you doing here, Lucifer?" I say, anger coating my voice. I gasped slightly. Anger? Emotions?

"Hey, you should be a bit nicer to me since I did give you your soul back after all. Now, how about some of that Southern hospitality I know you have." He spoke to me as he plopped on my couch.

As I was about to spit more venom, I realized he did, after all, give me my soul back. So I put on a fake smile and went to the kitchen to get some drinks. "Anything in particular that you'd like to drink?"

"Do you have anything with caffeine?" he said as he put his arms behind his head.

"Uhh I have Pepsi, that has caffeine..." I started to read the label. Yep, caffeine.

"Good enough, toss it over babe." He reached out his hand to catch it

I grimaced with a mix of disgust and confusion. "I'm not your babe, buddy." I threw it at him, and what a surprised he caught it.

"You could be my babe, babe." He winked at me and opened his soda.

I groaned in frustration. "What kind of favor do you need?"

He swallowed his mouthful of soda before replying. "Well, you know all those witchy powers you have?"

"Yep. Fully aware."

"Yea and you know about Greek Mythology right? You know that guy Hades?"

"... Look where is this going exactly?"

"Well so Hades kinda stole Hell from me and I need to go get it back but like I can't poof in there anymore because he did some kinda stupid God thing or whatever to prevent that so I need to find a way in there, with your help of course, and take the bitch out." and with that he took another swig of his Pepsi.

"Wait a second.... The Hades came back to Hell and was like 'Hey Lil' bitch this is my house' and then he threw you out, put some freaky-do locks on hell to prevent you from coming back easily, and you want me to help you sneak back in and help kill him?" That sounds ridiculous, I must be getting something wrong.

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