AmazingPhil - Babies [P#9] - Requested

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Prompt #9: "It's gone, okay! I've lost the baby! We aren't going to be parents anymore, does that make you happy? You can finally leave since it's what you've wanted all along! I'm not your burden anymore. "
Oneshot requested by Jadewonders Thank you, Jade! :D

Plot suggestion by LlamaMorph: "They're doing a video to see if they can raise a robot baby together and the reader loses the baby and gets over dramatic."

Thank you, everyone, for reading my oneshots and requesting! I honestly love you all :-*
More Requests are always welcome, sentence prompt or not! Also, I'd like to apologize for not updating in awhile, I've been sick and super busy. Also, I've been rereading the Hunger Games series so that's been taking up a lot of my time. Expect a Cato or Gale oneshot soon, maybe even both. Okay sorry for rambling, Happy Easter Everyone! Now.. on with the story! [It's gonna be a really long one btw]

I've been dating Phil for about 3 years. In fact, our anniversary was coming up very soon! Phil suggested we should do a video together to see if we could take care of one of those robot babies together. You know, like the ones they give out for a week in sex-ed class. Yea... I kind of failed that assignment in sex-ed, but I'm sure it'll be fine...

"(Y/N)! Come on we've gotta start the video! Do you have the baby?" Phil called out to me from his room, clearly in a rush. I shook my head to myself. This video is going to be filmed over the entire week so I don't know why he's so hurried.

"Yes, Phil! The baby is right here in the box!" I yell back at him, walking into his room with it. "Are you ready, Philly?" I say as I sit next to him, placing the box on the floor and out of sight of the camera.

"Always am, gorgeous." He says, trying (And failing) to wink sexily at me. I laugh and smile. He grins at me, "Ready to start the video?" I nod, signaling him to turn on the camera. "Hi, guys! Today I'm here with my lovely girlfriend, (Y/N)!" He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side, making me smile. "And we're having a baby!"

I try to keep a serious face but burst out laughing. "Not just any ordinary baby, a robot baby!" I say, grabbing the box and throwing it to Phil. Surprisingly, he catches the box and sets it on his lap.

"We're going to see if we can take care of one of those sex-ed babies for a whole week together while ol' Danny-boy is outta town, so (Y/N)'s going to be staying with me the entire week!" He grins a bit at the idea and I shove him subtly.

"We're going to be recording this video throughout the entire week too! Now Phil, let's get to the unboxing." I say to him, taking the box carefully off of his lab and putting it in between my legs. I open the box and pull it out. "Oh my god... It's a girl! Hi, lil' girly. What should we name her?" I ask, taking the box and setting it out of the view of the camera.

He looks like he's in serious thought for a bit, tapping his chin playfully and scrunching up his face. "Roberto!" He says out loud.

"Phil no! It's a girl!" I say, crossing my arms. "I know you're not going to be in charge of naming any children in the future! How about... Samantha?" I ask, looking at his face for his honest opinion.

"Samantha... I liked my name better but it's a good name too." He grins at me and I smile at the camera triumphantly.

I take the baby and hold it up like Simba for a minute as Phil sings the circle of life from the Lion King. After he finishes I laugh and set the baby down. "Now let's figure out how to work this thing." We take a break from making commentary as we look at the instructions and learn how to use the baby. We act like ourselves, making a few jokes, getting sidetracked a lot, mainly because we know we'll just cut it out later. "Okay, are we ready to start again, Phil?"

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