Sentence Prompts

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Hello everyone!! 
For my first statement, I'd just really like to thank you all for 1,310 reads! That is fucking insane! I honestly never thought I was going to get that much! It's so amazing to me!
My second thing that I have to say is that I'm going to start using sentence prompts. Now, not in all my oneshots, but for sure some of them. I'm making this chapter to put out a list of them, but feel free to write your own in the comments and I'll put them in! It would mean SO MUCH to me if you requested!! Something, anything, would be nice! So far, the only requests I've gotten are from my best friends, LlamaMorph and Madog78 so... Yeah, to me, that's sad. I'm sure you all know how to request, just PM me something or comment it, or even post it on my convo wall! Just post it anywhere I'll see it!! Anyways... On with the main point of this chapter, sentence prompts. Some of them are going to be specific-Fandom based but, if asked, I can use them in AU's. Hope you like some of them!

1. "Wow, for a Ravenclaw you are really stupid."

2. "Go on, do it. You haven't got the guts."

3. "Crying and eating ice cream won't get him/her back! You've gotta go out there and do something!"

4. "Please... Don't leave me here alone."

5. "I hope you know that I never loved you... Not even a bit."

6. "If I make a complete fool out of myself for you, will you go out with me?"

7. "I can't believe you talked me into this!"

8. "Will you please calm down... Breaking things isn't going to help anyone."

9. "It's gone, okay! I've lost the baby! We aren't going to be parents anymore, does that make you happy? You can finally leave, since it's what you've wanted all along! I'm not your burden anymore. "

10. "Don't freak out... But I crashed the Impala..."

11. "Please stop apologizing."

12. "I love you more than there is salt in the sea."

13. "I overheard you and your friends talking... So you do like me?"

14. "Five bucks says I get there before you."

15. "Oh come on... He/she hates me! It's almost too obvious!"

16. "You don't seem very nice, but I'm going to be your friend regardless."

17. "He/she's dying and there's absolutely nothing I can do to save him/her, do you know how that feels?"

18. "How can you not see that I love you!"

19.."I've never wanted to kiss you more than now in my entire life."

20. "Wow.. You're soo sweet.. Happy Valentine's day, asshole."

21. "Did I do something wrong?"

22. "Can't you do anything right?"

23. "You're an asshole, but I love you anyways."

24. "I think he/she put me in the friend zone..."

25." I dare you to... Go play seven minutes in heaven with him/her!"

Okay so those are probably pretty bad, but it's 11:13 pm (Yea, I know, I'm up soooo late ha...) and I'm tired so, maybe cut me a break. But, if any of you have your own sentence prompts for me, I'm doing a "Write your own!" section thing. Every time one of you comments one I'll just write it in here and give you credit! Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my book and this chapter! Love you all and stay beautiful! ;)

Write Your Own!

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