Zack Addy - Dropped Files

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Okay so I've been binge-watching Bones for like the past couple of days and I had this dream and I was like THAT WOULD BE PERFECT FOR A ONESHOT. So here we go... Sorry I don't update too much btw I feel bad about it but you can't stop me from being lazy so... too bad.

He always seemed shy, the guy across the room in my college class. Well, maybe not shy, but sure as hell antisocial. He was cute though, at least to me. I've never talked to him but I'm pretty sure his name is Zack.

Currently, I'm walking down the hall of my college with a stack of files in my arms. My Professor, Dr. Greene, wanted me to get them for her. I guess I really had nothing else to do, so obviously, I went and got them. I sighed, walking down the corridor, not really paying attention. Wow this floor is really shiny how did I not notice bef- SHIT. I fell to the ground, files and papers falling around me everywhere.

"Oww...." I say, slowly getting up. I hear someone groaning next to me, signaling that I have indeed run into a person. "Oh god I am so so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention and I- I'm sorry, so sorry. Do you need help up? Are you hurt?" My face turns red. It's Zack Addy good going (Y/N)!

"No it's okay." Zack groaned, slowly sitting up. "I wasn't paying attention either. Do you need help picking up all these papers?" he said, looking up at me from the floor.

"Right! Yea that'd be great, thank you. Sorry again for running into you." I say, still embarassed. I kneel down and start picking up with papers. "Shit I don't know which papers go into which files." I groan, putting my face in my hands, "Dr. Greene is gonna kill me."

"I'm sure we'll be able to sort it out, what are the files for?" He asks me.

"Umm..... well... I think they're student files with all their work and such." I say, looking at the file labels which held names.

"That should be easy then. We just need to put the papers with their names on it into their files, assuming the papers have their names on it." he said to me.

I finished gathering up all the files and counted them. "Well there's 14 files so it shouldn't be too hard... right?" He nodded at me and I handed half of the files to him so we could get done faster.


It took about 15 minutes sorting all the files, but in that time we talked a lot. Turns out we have a lot of common interests. He told me how he's assistant to a Forensic Anthropologist at the Jeffersonian and I told him how I was studying to become one.

I stood up, all the files sorted in my arms. "Thank you so much for helping me Zack." I smile at him.

"It was no problem." he smiled back.

"Hey I was wondering if you're doing anything later? We could maybe get lunch if you'd like?" I asked, looking at him hopefully.

"Lik-Like a date?" he stuttered a bit and I frowned. Does he not like me? Maybe he's gay, but doesn't want to be rude...

"Yea but I mean if you don't want to or whatever then that's fine... I just uhh.... nevermind it was stupid to ask.... See ya later though.." It seemed like he froze and I started walking in the direction of Dr. Greene's classroom.

"No! Wait!" He jogged a bit to catch up with me, making me stop. "I didn't mean to make it seem like I was rejecting you I just never get asked on dates.... I was just surprised, that's all. I'd love to go on a lunch date with you... i-if you're still up for it, of course." He talked fast, but I was able to catch what he said, just barely.

"Are you sure? You seem a bit hesitant. If you don't actually want to that's fine too, I understand."

"Why wouldn't I want to go on a date with you? You're very pretty and nice."

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