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I tapped my foot against the tiled floors impatiently while I waited for someone to come. The door swung open with a click and a woman walked in. She was dressed formally in a blouse and a pencil skirt. Her short black hair, which reached the nape of her neck was combed back neatly, not a strand out of place.

Her heels clicked against the tiled floor as she walked to the seat across from me and sat folding her hands neatly on her lap.

"My name is Maria Hill," she said. "I hear that this isn't your first time doing something like this."

I looked up at her crossing and uncrossing my feet under my chair feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. Sure, this hadn't been my first time stealing something. Usually, I was so careful, I'd be gone by the time anyone caught wind of what was happening.

"You know that stealing is bad right?" She asked. I didn't answer. It may have been phrased like a question, but obviously, it wasn't one.

Ms. Hill sighed deeply. "They're going to send you to a detention center."

My eyes went wide, entirely shocked by this new piece of information. I had heard about juvenile detention, a place where they disciplined kids. It was not a place I wanted to be at.

I opened my mouth to protest, a part of my mind wondering why this woman was the one delivering this information to me. But before I could utter a single word she started speaking. "But, I'm sure you don't want that." She said waiting for my reaction.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, speaking for the first time since she arrived.

"Well, I may have something else for you to do," she said. I sat up straighter, eager to hear what she wanted to say. Anything would be better than detention. "But, I'm not the one whose going to tell you." She spoke up after awhile.

She got up from the seat holding up a finger an walked back to the door. She opened it and a man walked in.

"Sir." She said. The man gave her a curt nod before sitting down in the chair that had previously been occupied by the woman.

I leant back slightly against my chair when I saw the man. He wasn't dressed formally like the woman. Instead, he wore all black. Black jeans, shirt and a jacket. But that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the black eye patch he wore.

"Nick Fury," he spoke, his voice surprisingly not as gruff as I had imagined. He held out a hand and I took it hesitantly. "Now, don't be alarmed by what I am about to tell you." He said seriously.

I looked towards Ms. Hill who was still standing at the door as if she was guarding it. Then I returned my gaze to to the man in front of me.

"I'm the director of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D." he said, "and I think you have a particular set of skills that I've been looking for."

I stared at him wondering if he was being serious. "why would you think that?" I asked.

"I know what your parents did to you." He said.

This time I was shocked. No one knew about what had happened to me. "W-what are you talking about?" I stammered out.

"I've been watching you for quiet some time. I've seen how..." He paused thinking for a word. "...efficient you are at what you do."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied bluntly.

"I don't expect you to understand the full extent of your powers," he said calmly. "You could use these powers for things better than stealing. You can use them to help people."

I sighed and looked down at my hands. I started to fiddle with my fingers, something I did when I was nervous. It was obvious that these people knew about my powers. It was really no use pretending otherwise.

"How?" I asked after a beat of silence.

He smiled, a satisfied look in his eyes. "You can join S.H.I.E.L.D. With the proper training, I'm sure you'll be a pretty decent agent."

I stayed silent as a part of me wondered whether I was asleep and living some kind of a wierd dream.

"Or you could go to juvenile detention." Nick Fury said slowly. "What do you say?"

I didn't even think twice when I replied, cringing at the very idea detention. "Okay."

He leant forward in his chair and stuck his hand out. I took it and he shook it once with a nod. "Then we have a deal. Welcome aboard, Clarke."


I cringe because that was so... stiff.
I haven't watched all the movies, so I'm not very familiar with Nick Fury. But anyway, here's the first chapter, well prologue. I hope you liked it. If you did please give a vote and let me know what you think in the comments.


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