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We had barely climbed onto the life boat when the frantic voice of a woman reached our ears. "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!"

Clint, like the person he was, looked outside to where the woman was referring to. The building in front of us happened to be one of the few buildings that hadn't been knocked down. We spotted a boy struggling to climb out of a ditch formed when the ground had cracked. He seems to be pretty young, only about Lila's age. Clint sighed before turning to me. "I'll be right back, okay? You stay here."

I shook my head. "No. I'm coming with you."

"I'll be fine, I promise," Clint said before pressing a kiss on top of my head before running off.

I was watching Clint pull the boy out of the rubble when I heard the sound of approaching gun shots. It was coming from the jet with Ultron as the pilot. Clint spotted the jet and turned around as if to shield the boy from the gun shots.

The last thing I saw before the area filled up with dust, was a blue blur running in that direction.

The breath caught in my chest as I waited for the dust to clear out, hoping beyond hope that Clint was alright.

Before the dust fully cleared, I spotted a blue blur running to the left before collapsing to the ground in a heap. I stood still for a second watching as Steve ran in that direction quickly. It took me a second to snap out of it and right when I did, I took off, ignoring Clint's request to stay on the life boat.

I came to a stop next to where Steve was kneeling next to Pietro who seemed to be in a lot of pain. He groaned as Steve touched his leg where there were about three bullet wounds.

"Speedy," Clint called causing me to tear my eyes away from Pietro. He gave the little boy, Costel a gentle push towards me. "Take him to the boat. We'll be there in a second, okay?"

Even though a part of me wanted to argue and stay the more sensible part told me to do what he said. I nodded and glanced down at Pietro once more before taking Costel's hand and leading him to the life boat.

It seemed Clint and Steve weren't very slow. The two laid Pietro down on one of the seats, calling the medic to come check on him.

Clint walked over to me, pulling me to his chest in a hug. "See, I told you we'd be fine."

"If I wasn't so tired, I would punch you," I mumbled earning a chuckle from him.

Steve had stepped out of the boat, looking around to see if there were any more people left. He luckily wasn't too far from the boat because without any warning the city suddenly started to fall. Steve jumped, barely making it to the ramp. We watched as Tony and Thor blew up the city with a blast of energy.

A couple of minutes later, I was sitting next to Pietro who had been given some kind of sedative which hadn't taken effect yet. Though his eyes were glassy they were no longer filled with as much pain as before.

"Where's Wanda?" He asked, titling his head slightly as if to look around only to wince at the slight movement.

"She's fine," I answered. "She's on the Hellicarrier right now. Vision got her out before the city... you know... blew up."

He was quiet for a second before mumbling a small 'okay'. He closed his eyes only to open them again to glance at me. He reached a hand out taking mine and intertwined our fingers together. "Maybe we can have that... conversation later," he mumbled before his eyes closed.

Panic struck me for a second when they didn't open again but I let out a breath when I saw his chest moving as he breathed.

I glanced to the side where Clint sat, his eyes on the two of us. He raised an eyebrow and I ducked my head as my face flushed red yet again. When I looked back up, he was smiling.

I wasn't going to publish this today but here you go!!!

Can I scream now!? Can I!? Did you really think Pietro was just going to die and Clarke was going to be left in the dust!!! So I think it's safe to ask now whether you want a sequel. If you do, you might get one and if you don't, you obviously won't get one.
So if you want a sequel, comment here!!!

Oh, and well as usual, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!!!


Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now