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Twelve | nails

My fingers hit the keyboard in a rhythmic fashion, now used to the typing I had been doing for the last half an hour. Everyone had dispersed after meeting Vision, now trying to find Natasha and Ultron.

I could feel a headache forming as the sound of the keys got louder and louder. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the throbbing to stop. Once it stopped, I opened my eyes and reached my fingers over to the keyboard.

Only, the keyboard was no longer there.

I was seated in the corner of the small room, legs folded underneath me. The room was dark, not a single window or bulb to allow light into the room. And yet, I could see every inch of the room in detail.

I could see the loose threads on the thin blanket lying on the bed. The small cracks on the walls. Spiderwebs in the corners of the room and dust mites floating in the air.

And I could hear everything.

The sound of cars honking on the road. Footsteps. People talking, some in whispers and some loud. I could hear the sound of water running, a baby crying in a distance, people laughing. But there was one sound that stood out. It sounded like someone was banging there fist against a door. Over and over again.

"Hey!" The sound made be snap out whatever had just happened. My eyes snapped open and I turned around to see Pietro Maximoff standing near the door, a slight look of worry in his eyes, "are you alright?"

I nodded, "I'm fine." But my voice came out weak proving that I was in fact, not fine at all. Those were memories that I had buried at the back of my head for six years. And all of them were surfacing now.

"You don't look fine," Pietro mumbled, his eyes going down to my hands which were clenched in fists. I quickly releasing the tension in my arms and opened my hand to see the marks where my nails had dig in. Some of them were even bleeding.

That cold exterior I built up fell for just a second and my hands trembled with fear. But I shook it off quickly and closed my hands again, pursing my lips into a thin line.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, turning to Pietro, not quiet able to meet his eyes.

"I was just looking around the place," Pietro said, "it's big." He added as an afterthought.

The silence in the room was suffocating. But I wasn't willing to break it. I was not going to just sit here and make conservation with someone who had allied himself with Ultron.

Pietro shifted on his foot uncomfortably before pointing behind him, "I'm just going to go."

"That would be a great idea," I answered. He left immediately, using his speed to get away quickly.

Right when he was out of sight, I stood up. I couldn't just sit here all day trying to find something. My mind really needed a break. Fury had said that finding Ultron would be easy. Maybe it was at that time, but for whatever reason, it wasn't anymore. He was keeping himself hidden, probably to execute his plan without us interfering.

My thoughts drifted to the pen drive Fury had left me. Why would he leave that to me? He usually kept all of that to himself. I took it out of my pocket flipped it over in my hand. I was nervous, that much was sure. A part of me didn't want to know what was on it.

I pocketed the pen and instead went straight to my room and into the bathroom, holding my hands under the faucet. The nail marks on my skin were not a comforting sight and I tried to look down at my hands as little as I possibly could while I cleaned out the blood.

I jumped at the sound of a knock on my bedroom door. The door opened and before the person could walk in, I wiped the panicked expression from my face.

Clint Barton walked in, a slightly annoyed look on his face, "hey, did you find anything?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I said as I stepped out of the bathroom, hiding my hands behind my back, "but, no. I didn't."

"Me niether," he said, running a hand through his hair, "Cap kicked me out and told me to do something else. Tony's on the look out now."

I simply nodded. Clint opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. He frowned as he watched me for a second, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I answered, just a little too quickly. There was no way I was getting out of this now.

Clint shook his head and walked over to me placing his hands on my shoulders, "you know you can tell me anything." He said softly.

I sighed, and looked down at my feet, "they're coming back again," I mumbled, "the memories."

My past was strictly classified. Only a very few people knew about it and Clint was one of them. They all knew how much I hated talking about my past. How I had tried, for six years, to push all this memories to the back of my head.

And Wanda Maximoff had brought them right back within seconds.

Clint reached down and took my hands in his, knowing very well what he would see. I never hurt myself. At least not intentionally. The cuts on my hands were what happened whenever a memory of my parents surfaced. It just happened without me realizing it. It had happened during my time train to become a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and was happening now.

Clint didn't stare at my hands for too long. Instead taking just one look and dropping them. He gently placed a hand on my back and pulled me in for a hug. He pressed a kiss on the top of my head and I felt myself smile, knowing that Clint would always be there whenever I needed someone to make me feel safe.


Sigh... I really love the ending. So this chapter didn't have much, but I just wanted to let you guys know what Clarke is going through now. All the stuff with her parents is something she just wants to forget, but we'll, that isn't so easy. I absolutely love the relationship she has with Clint!

There was a tiny interaction with Pietro too. Just a little warning for you guys, Clarke isn't just going to fall for Pietro. There relationship is going to take time to develop. I already have everything planned out! Eek!!! But well, let's end this extremely long authors​ note now!

Anyway, if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now