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Seventeen | paranoid

I shot an arrow and watched as it hit the bullseye with my eyes squinted in focus. Clint clapped me on the back, a proud smile on his face.

When I had first joined S.H.I.E.L.D, my training was strictly to make me a spy. Either they thought I was too young, or they were worried that my parents were still around. Either way, the missions I went on were all stealth and Clint had accompanied me for almost all of it.

Guns weren't of much use when it came to stealth, so Clint had taken it upon himself to teach me how to use a bow. It was something I had mastered within a year. But I still did carry a gun around. It wasn't really easy to carry a bow around everywhere.

"You know," Clint said, during one of our breaks. He had a serious look on his face as he turned to me. "Maybe one day, your last name could be Barton."

I choked as I pulled the bottle from my lips and turned to look at Clint, eyes wide. "What?"

"Lila thinks you're her big sister anyway. So?" He shrugged like it was absolutely nothing. "And wouldn't it be funny when Fury says 'Agent Barton' and we both look up?"

"Are you being serious right now because I really can't tell," I said as I sat the bottle down.

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when the doors opened and Steve walked in followed by Pietro and Wanda. The mood shifted in the room suddenly and Clint ushered me up and to the other side of the room to keep training. That conversation was going to have to wait.

This time, I was practising hitting moving targets. It wasn't really that hard considering that Clint was throwing paper plates and small balls of clay.

I could feel someone's gaze on my back as I pulled the string back and waited. Clint threw the ball and I twisted around, aiming before letting the arrow go. I lowered my bow as I watched the tip sink in and push the ball to the wall.

A couple of shots later, Clint went to collect the balls and I took the chance to turn around slightly to look at the other side of the room where Steve was training the twins.

Pietro Maximoff was watching me. Right when he saw that I had caught him, he turned around, pretending to watch as Steve hung a punching bag on a hook for them to practise.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who had caught him watching. Wanda grabbed his arm pulling him to her side and I quickly looked away not wanting to be caught watching them. But I couldn't help but listen in on what Wanda said to Pietro.

"You just have to go for the one person you can't have!" She hissed. The sentence caused me to flush red.

Clint chose that moment to walk over, a frown on his face when he saw my flushed face. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," I quickly said. "Totally fine!"

His frown only deepened but he replaced it with a smile, knowing I was hiding something from him.


After training was over, I stayed back to help Clint put everything back in it's place. After we were done, I headed back to my room, bow clutched tightly in my hand.

I was just about to round the corner to head into he hallway that lead to my room when I heard the sound of someone tapping their foot on the floor rather impatiently. There was only one person who took tap their foot that fast.

I turned the corner and sure enough, Pietro was leaning against the wall beside the door to my bedroom. He looked up when I came into view and pushed himself off the wall.

"I thought you were supposed to train me?" He said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I told Clint I'd train with him today."

"So you aren't breaking our deal?" Pietro asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm not," I answered. "You're a paranoid person."

He chuckled. "I just want to make sure I can actually help."

"Of course you can," I reassured. "What makes you think you can't?"

He shrugged. "I don't know," he said before smiling a teasing smile, "maybe I'm a paranoid person."

I just rolled my eyes at him. "Well then. Good night."

I walked past him and opened the door to my bedroom before walking in. Before the door closed behind me, I heard Pietro mumble good night before speeding off.

Only after I was in bed did I realise how easily the conversation had flowed between Pietro and I. That wasn't something that happen often with me.


Congratulations to me for somehow always ending a chapter so awkwardly. How I manage to do that, I will never know!

But anyway! After I saw that we now have 5k views, I got a burst of inspiration and wrote out this whole chapter!

Thank you all sooo much for taking sometime of your day to read this book and give me support! It means so much that you guys are actually reading this. Thank you so so so much!

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Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now