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Twenty one | you happy now?

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. Thinking it was Clint, I didn't get up, instead rolling onto my side, I tried to go back to sleep. But when the door didn't open, I sat up and got out of bed and tucked loose strands of hair behind my ear as I went to get the door.

Bright light flooded into the room when I pulled open the door and I squinted my eyes, waiting for them to adjust. Sometimes, it was kind of annoying having enhanced sight.

Standing in front of the door rather awkwardly was Pietro Maximoff. When he saw me, his eyes widened.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" He asked.

"No, you did," I answered. "What are our doing here so early anyway?"

He pulled out the hard drive from his pocket and handed it to me. "I finished looking through that and I thought you might want to know what I found."

"Okay," I said. "I'll be out in a minute, and for your sake, please don't hover around this hallway because if Clint finds you, you're dead."

A surprised look crossed Pietro's face, but he nodded and walked away quickly without glancing back. I closed the door and leant my back against it, letting out a breath wondering why it was always so hard for me to act like a normal person. Now everytime I saw Pietro, all I could think about was how I had broken down in front of him yesterday and it didn't help that that was exactly what was in his mind everytime he saw me either. I didn't need to have Wanda's powers to know what he was thinking. It was plain as day on his face.

After getting dressed, I took a few minutes to collect myself before walking out of my room and looked around wondering where the speedster had gone to. I focused on my hearing, listening to the many sounds in the building until I finally heard him.

I made my way down the hallway to another one where Pietro and Wanda's room was located. Standing in front of the door were the twins, obviously having a hushed conversation. Or maybe an argument with the way Wanda kept hissing at him until she spotted me.

"Uh..." Pietro said, a hand running through his silver hair. "I told Wanda. I hope you don't mind?"

Panic flared in my mind, at first thinking he had told her what I told him the previous day about my parents.

"I thought she could help us with finding Ultron too," he said, breaking the silence.

"Oh..." I said before catching myself. "No, it's fine. She can help too."

Wanda smiled, as she walked forward shooting a look at Pietro which looked a lot like a warning. Pietro just pursed his lips as he watched his sister walk past him and down the hall.

"Let's go," Wanda called. "The sooner we find Ultron, the better."

Pietro walked with his sister at first before slowing down to walk with me. I didn't say anything as we walked to who-knew-where. Instead, I kept my eyes trained on the ground and tried to ignore the boy walking beside me.

"Did you really think I told Wanda about your parents?" Pietro whispered.

I came to a stop and glaced up at him. He just waved me forward, an unreadable expression on his face so I kept walking.

"You really have trust issues, don't you?" He asked.

"Did you only figure that out just now?"

"No," he shook his head. "I just thought you were one of those people who didn't smile that much."

It was obvious that Pietro was trying to change the subject and I was thankful for it. He seemed to have realised that my parents were a topic I didn't feel comfortable discussing. A warm feeling flooded my stomach as a I smiled an actual smile. It actually meant a lot that he understood without me having to tell him.

"You happy now?" I asked.

Pietro nodded, his eyes on mine for a second before he looked away. He had a look on his face hat suggested that he was trying not to break into a full grin.


And now, I'll calm down, but seriously, thank you so much!

So this chapter was... wierd and short and kind of useless except for the part where Clarke and Pietro talked. I love writing their awkward and short conversations. And well, if you didn't get it, she sort of has feelings for Pietro now, so yay! So, the big fight in sokovia is coming soon.

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Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now