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Twenty six | you'll be fine

Right when my feet touched the ground, I pulled out a couple of arrows and shot them into the swarm of incoming robots. They hit the robots, lighting up small explosions in front of me. One of them however, seemed to have escaped and came right at me, throwing me off balance. The grip I had on my bow loosened and it skidded a couple of feet away.

Without wasting a second, I pushed myself onto my knees and grabbed the bow, swinging it around to hit the robot. I stood up, brushing the hair away from my face before swinging the bow forward again, throwing another one out of my way. Pietro ran in front of me, kicking another robot away to give me enough time to pull out an arrow and shoot.

Wanda closed her hands into fists, taking out the last of them and we quickly rushed to help get people to safety. I found a small boy crouching behind a fallen beam and pulled him up asking him where his parents were. He didn't seem to know where and I couldn't really blame him. Throughout the whole chaos, I was surprised the kid only had a few bruises.

I put a hand on his shoulder and led him to where the rest of the civilians were being gathered. Wanda and the others were busy doing the same.

Tony was busy trying to find a way to bring the rock down safely but it seemed as though he still hadn't come up with a fool proof plan. Time was ticking fast and we couldn't hold of the robots forever. That was something clear as day to everyone.

There was an argument through the comms over a way to blow up the city, something Steve didn't want to do, not until everyone one was safely off. The argument was interrupted by Fury who had surprisingly shown up in the Hellicarrier to help get the people off the city.

"Let's load 'em up," Steve called.

We all started leading the civilians to the outskirts of the city where the lifeboats were waiting to take them to the Hellicarrier which hovered a few meters from the city.

Leaving Rhodey in charge of getting the civilians on the life boats, Tony called for the rest of us to the church. The rest of the Avengers were already there -save for Natasha and hulk who were on their way. We took care of the few robots who were trying to get to the core.

"What's the drill?" Natasha asked as she joined the rest of us, closely followed by Hulk.

Tony pointed at the large metal contraption in the middle of the room. "This is the drill," he said. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

Ultron flew into view, hovering just outside the church.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor shouted.

Ultron's face remained emotionless. He only raised an arm and the sound of the rest of his army scurrying and flying in our direction reached our ears before we saw them. It looked more like some kind of a zombie army. Some of the robots had missing arms and legs. Others only barely flew, falling to the ground only to fly back up. Somehow, that only made the situation seem that much more scary.

"You had to ask," Steve groaned as he stared out at the approaching army.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron said, gesturing to the army of robots approaching. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said," Tony said as he glanced at Steve. "Together."

We assembled around the core, ready to keep Ultron or one of his minions from reaching it. Hulk grabbed and ripped apart any robots within his reach. Tony and Vision blasted the robots away and Thor used his hammer to hit any who got close. Wanda was a burst of red, annihilating any robots who came her way and Pietro was a blur as he punched through any robots. I shot arrow after arrow and when the robots got too close for comfort, swung my bow at them, throwing them out of the way.

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now