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One | get to the point

I walked slowly down the stone hallways while keeping an eye out for any guards. So far, this place had proved to be the least guarded Hydra base I had ever visited.

I walked toward the doors at the end of the hallway keeping my eyes open for any sign of guards. I quickly jumped back against the walk at the sound of footsteps coming right in my direction.

The two guards paused when they spotted me before charging. I moved to the right easily grabbing the first guards shoulder and pushing him down before hitting the back of his head, knocking him out. The next guard pulled out his gun and shot barely missing my shoulder. I ducked as he shot again and twisted around hitting the gun out of his hand with my leg. I struck my hand out punching him on the side of the face and he too joined the other guard on the ground.

I walked over the body and towards the door but before I could even reach it the door opened and two more guards walked out guns out and ready.

I sighed before giving both of them a sly smile and charging right at them. I ducked down as they started shooting and managed to grab the first guards gun easily. I spun around hitting the guard and he dropped to the floor unconscious.

The second guard kept shooting and I quickly ducked behind a wall. The gun had fallen out of my hand in my hast to get away. I heaved in deep breaths and kept my head down as I took my gun from my belt. I didn't usually use it, preferring to use my fighting skills.

I placed my finger against the trigger and stood ready. Suddenly, the shooting stopped an I heard a click. The guard was reloading. I ducked around the wall and pulled the gun up shooting the guard without a second thought. He dropped to the ground with a thud and I moved around him to the door.

Walking over to the computer on a desk in the middle of the room, I quickly started typing on the keyboard. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and bent down slightly so I could see the monitor clearly.

My phone vibrating in my pocket made me stop typing. I pulled it out and sighed when I saw who it was. I slid my finger across the screen an placed it between my ear and shoulder and resumed typing.

"What?" I whispered into the phone.

"Woah! Not exactly the response I was expecting." Tony Stark's voice said.

"I'm... Busy," I replied focusing on the files I was opening.

"Busy doing what exactly?" Tony asked in a teasing tone.

"You know what," I said annoyed by Tony's carefree attitude. "I can't talk now." I said more calmly.

"Hey! Nope! This is urgent!" Tony called out quickly as I started pulling the phone away.

"Ok. Wha-" I looked up, easily hearing the sound of guards running in this direction. Because of my enhanced hearing, I could hear them coming before they were too close.

"Hey Tony?" I said into the phone. "Give me a second." he hummed an okay into the phone and I pulled the phone away from my ear and placed it on the table.

Pulling out a pen drive from my pocket, I connected it to the computer and pressed the download button just as the door burst open.

I stretched my arms out and gave the guards an easy smile. "You boys wanna dance?"

I ducked as the guards started shooting. Leaning my back against the desk I pulled out my guns and peeked up shooting two of the guards down easily before slipping down. I got up and shot again not caring to see how many of them dropped.

When one of the shots came from the side, I quickly pushed myself up and ran backwards shooting the guard following me with ease.

Two guards appeared behind me. I shot the closest one and flipped over hitting the other ones arm causing him to drop the gun. I grabbed the back of his neck and hit his head against the table knocking him out.

I walked to the table and took the phone placing it between my ear and shoulder.

"What's so urgent?" I asked as I checked the computer screen before pulling out the pen drive and pocketing it.

"You're done already?" Tony asked. "Wow, you're fast."

"Get to the point, Stark." I said as I walked out the door.

"I'm having a party tomorrow and you are coming! There's no room for arguing. If you aren't here tomorrow, I will personally drag your butt all the way here." Tony said in a serious tone.

"Ok, ok. Point noted," I said with a laugh. "I'll be there."

"You better be." Tony said in a playful warning tone before ending the call.


I am soo sorry for the late update. I had a chapter written but didn't really like it so I wrote an entirely new one which took a while to finish. Hope you like this chapter! This is my first time writing some action scenes so I really hope you like it! Please let me know what you think in a comment!

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now