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Nineteen | make me feel safe

The first few lines let me know that these were information on all the scientists that had been involved in the enhancement project and I could tell that Strucker did not have a shortage in employees.

There were at least fifty scientists, some names were even crossed out which lead me to believe that they may have been killed. I wouldn't really be surprised if that was the case. This was HYDRA we were talking about after all.

Maybe Fury was going to give me a mission to find these people. Maybe he hadn't told me straight away because we were already in the middle of a huge mess. Though I wasn't an Avenger, he couldn't exactly pull me aside and tell me to go find some HYDRA scientists when our top priority was stopping Ultron.

I was scanning through the names and the information on them when I came upon a file that was encrypted. Feeling up to the challenge it provided, I started typing, thanking Natasha for all the hacking skills she had taught me.

It didn't take too long to get the file open and once it did, I quickly started reading through it. But when my eyes ran over two familiar names, I came to a complete halt.

Maya and John Vincent.

I stared at the screen wondering whether my eyes were tricking me. Why were my parents names on a HYDRA file?

Reading the information below their names was all it took for me to get my answer. Of course they wouldn't stop with just me. Why had I even thought that I would never hear their names again? Never have to somehow face them again?

They were the head scientists to deal with the whole project. The highest in rank other than Strucker himself. And they were the ones who had somehow experimented on people and given them powers without them dying. Those two, being Pietro and Wanda.

I got up from the bed after closing all the files knowing I wouldn't be able to read any more of it. I didn't want to read anymore. I paced back and forth across the length of the room, running my fingers through my hair and pulling it loose from the ponytail I had tied it up to. Tears welled in my eyes and fell down my cheeks no matter how hard I tried to contain it. I wiped furiously at them before collapsing back onto my bed and staring at the door an internal battle going on inside my head.

I really didn't want to be alone right now, but going to see Clint wasn't really an option, at least not right now. He had enough to deal with as it is. But when I felt a sting in my hands from my nails digging in yet again and heard the echo of Clint's words telling me to come to him if anything like this upset me again, I got up, wiping my hands against the tears and started out the door.


Pietro had probably realised something was wrong after he managed to pin me down for the third time during training the next day. He frowned as he pulled back, watching me carefully. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I answered, taking his outstretched hand to pull me up.

"You just seem very distrac-"

"I'm fine," I repeated, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Look, I'm just - I'm dealing with some stuff right now and..."

"That's alright," Pietro started walking backwards, following his sister out the room, since training was over. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah..." the word rolled down from my tongue miserably as I ran a hand through my hair.

Steve opened his mouth from the other side of the room, but before he could, I put a finger up. "Please don't ask if I'm alright because I'm this close to snapping."

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now