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Seven | monsters from the past

I pushed myself off from the bed I was seated on and turned surveying the room. It was the exact same place I had had to suffer in for who knows how long.

The room was completely dark and didn't have a single source of light. Here were no lamps or bulbs or even a window. The only piece of furniture was the bed I had been sitting on. It was cold. So cold that my breath plumed in front of me.

Recovering from the initial shock of finding myself here, I quickly walked to the door. I grabbed the door knob which was also cold and turned it. Unsurprisingly, it was locked.

The panic hit me all of a sudden. My calm facade slipped and I grabbed hold of the knob again and turned it over and over again, but the door still didn't budge.

"No, no, no!" I cried out as I kept turning it as if it might suddenly open.

I finally let go of the knob and stepped back, looking around the place trying to find another place to get out from. There was no other way. I turned to the door again and ran forward hitting it hard. I kicked the door over and over again but the door still wouldn't open.

Tears pricked my eyes and ran down my face as I kept hitting the door. "Let me out!" I shouted, my voice breaking at the last word.

I hit the door again and was surprised when a click sounded. The door swung open to reveal two people standing on the other side. My eyes went wide and I quickly took a couple of steps back into the room.

"Get her on the bed," the woman said in a clear voice as she stepped back to allow the man inside.

My father stepped into the room and gently placed a hand on my shoulder, "onto the bed Clarke," he said softly.

I pushed his hand away from me  and stepped back , trying to get out from around him. He grabbed my arm, this time harder than before and pulled me forward towards the bed. I struggled against his hands, pushing and screaming all the while.

He dragged me to the bed and tightened the straps around my wrist and ankles and my forehead. I struggled against the binds even though I knew it was absolutely no use.

My father stepped back from the bed and my mother took his place. "I don't know how many times we have to tell you Clarke," she started talking as she sorted through he tools on a tray she held, "all of this will be worth it one day. You'll be something very special. It's called the greater good."

I kept struggling against the binds, my breaths quickening every time she picked up a tool. Finally, she grabbed a syringe and a bottle. She filled it up with the clear liquid in the bottle and examined it for a while.

I struggled harder as she lowered the syringe towards me. There was a sting as the needle pierced my skin and a numbness for a second before the pain started.

"Clarke!" Clint's voice shouted.

My eyes to see Clint sitting next to me. He had a worried look on his face. One of his hands were wrapped around a dazed looking Natasha and the other was reaching towards me. At first, unable register what had happened I pushed myself away from him, struggling against his hands as he tried to grab hold of me.

"Hey! It's me!" Clint shouted, "it's OK!"

I froze. Clint stayed still for a second too before leaning forward and pulling me into his arms. I didn't struggle against his warm embrace instead moving closer to him. Tears spilled from uncontrollably from my eyes as I sat there feeling utterly helpless. I hated that feeling.

Clint gently stroked his hand through my hair, mumbling quietly that I was fine.

A couple of minutes later, I was sitting on one of the seats in the Quintet with a blanket wrapped tightly around me, courtesy of Clint. Everyone else seemed quite shaken by whatever they had seen as well.

I pressed my cheek against the cool window and gazed outside as we flew past the clouds. We were up too high to see any buildings or well, anything really, so I had no idea where we were or where we were headed.

The sound started getting loud again. I could hear people breathing, cloth rubbing against the seat as someone shifted and the sound of the engine filled my ears. I pressed my hands over my ears, trying to make everything quiet down, but I had no control over my powers at the moment. Whatever Wanda Maximoff had done to me affected my powers as well.

A couple of seconds passed before the sound got quiet and I sucked in a deep breath. I leant against the window again.


Sorry for the awkward ending. But anyway, here's the new chapter. I'm not really happy with this one. I rewrote this about three times but couldn't really write it the way I actually wanted to . This was the best out of the three so I hope you enjoy it!

On a happy note, 942 READS! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thanks for reading this book and voting for it! I love you all! 😍

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Cya next Friday!

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now