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Twenty four | you're not that impressive

There was a tense feeling hanging over the room as we all prepared to leave for Sokovia. The Avengers had already been in a big fight like this once. But the twins and I on the other hand, had absolutely no experience in this kind of situation.

Pietro and Wanda stood on the other side of the room and I found my eyes travelling to them -or more accurately pietro- every few seconds. He caught my gaze once and smiled before looking away again. I yearned to go over to him and talk about what had transpired between us only mere minutes ago but held myself back. This was not the time or place to talk about something like that. Hopefully, we would have more time later on.

"You ready to go?" Clint's voice pulled me out of my thoughts

I shrugged, shifting the weight of my bow in my hand. "I guess?"

He frowned. "You don't sound very confident."

"That's because I'm... not?"

"You'll be fine."

"If you say so..."

Clint gave me a smile before putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him as we walked to the jet.

Once we climbed the jet, the tenseness in the air only grew worse. Wanda stared out the window from where she sat next to her brother. Pietro was tapping his foot impatiently, something I found to be not-so-surprising since he always seemed to be extremely impatient.

Halfway through the ride to Sokovia, Steve stood up, facing everyone.

"Ultron knows we're coming," was Steve's opening sentence to what I believed to be a long pep talk meant to get us all into a better mood. "Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us.

"Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

I wrung my hands together nervousness gathering in the pit of my stomach.

"You look nervous."

I turned to see Pietro watching my hands.

"That's probably because I am," I replied.

"Don't you do these kind of things all the time?" He asked.

"Uh... No, I don't. Normally, these guys handle the bigger things and leave the smaller things to me."

"Sounds... reasonable," he said, looking. I didn't miss the way his foot was tap-tap-tapping against the floor.

An awkward silence hung over us as I waited for him to say something. It was obvious that he wanted to. Slowly, the seconds stretched into minutes before he decided to speak.

"When are we going to talk about what happened before?" The words tumbled from his lips in a way that suggested that he had been thinking them for a while now.

"I don't think this is the best time to discuss that," I replied slowly.

"Then just answer one question," he said, lowering his voice so no one else could hear him. "Do you regret it?"

I raised my head to look him straight in the eyes. "No."

A small smile spread over Pietro's face and that was all it took for set my heart to thundering again.

After we landed, Steve sent us in different directions so we could cover more ground. We were supposed to get as many people out of the city as we could. Pietro took off alone since he could move faster than the rest of us. I followed Clint and Wanda to one side of the bridge and Steve took the other. Tony flew off to find Ultron which was presumably, what Vision was up to as well.

Wanda used her telepathy to influence the people to leave as quickly as they could and Clint and I took charge of making sure people didn't get trampled in the chaos that was an evacuation.

People were soon abandoning their vehicles, choosing to walk when they realised trying to drive was entirely useless. The streets were full of scared people trying to get out of the city as soon as possible.

A sound that didn't really belong into the scuffle caught my attention. The sound of thrusters. I frowned as I turned to the side wondering what it was as the sound grew closer and closer to where we were.

It took me a second to realise what it was and when I did, my eyes went wide.

"We've got incoming!" I shouted as I pulled an arrow from the quiver on my back and pulled the string back.

Ultron's drones flew into view and I let the arrow fly and hit one of them. Clint and Wanda also got into action. Wanda pushed the people back, shouting at them to get off the bridge. She pulled up a forcefield in front of us as Clint and I continued to shoot arrows at the approaching robots.

One of the robots managed to hit the point on the forcefield where Wanda was standing, throwing her off her feet and onto the ground. I rushed forward quickly and held out a hand to pull her up.

"You alright?"

"I'll be fine," she replied.

I saw a blue blur running a little ways away from the bridge where we were standing. Pietro came to a stop and caught my eye. He winked before running straight at the robots heading his way. He punched through them, smashing the robots into pieces. He raised an eyebrow at me as if he was asking for my opinion.

"I never really enjoyed running," I mumbled -knowing he could hear me through the comms- as I whirled around, swinging my bow to hit a robot that was growing too close for comfort, "so forgive me if I role my eyes at your speed because Maximoff, you're not that impressive."


So, this was originally a 2000 word chapter, but I split it into two (sorry about that) and edited this a million times. Hopefully, version 2.0's highly edited version (this one) isn't as awkward and just plain terrible as version 1. Anyway, I'm not sure whether I've already said this before (and I'm too lazy to go back and check) so, there are about two or maybe three chapters left till the epilogue. And just a fair warning, I'm not very good at writing action scenes.

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Thanks for reading!

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now