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Fifteen | apologies

The next day, I was seated in front of the computer, but my eyes didn't register anything. It was way too foggy with thoughts and emotions I never thought I'd have to deal with.

I was supposed to be in the training room at the time, but with he recently events that had happened, I hadn't felt up to it. Besides, I wasn't the one who was being trained anyway. I was just going there to help Steve.

A knock on the door pulled me away from my thoughts and I turned to the side to see Wanda Maximoff standing at the door.

She had an unsure look on her face as she spoke. "Do you mind if I come in?"

Any other day, I probably would have said no without a second thought, but today was different. I shook my head and she walked in, taking a seat in the chair next to mine.

"You know we are on your side, right?" She asked, her accent exactly like her brothers.

I nodded, wondering where this conversation was going. If I had felt uncomfortable around Pietro, I felt even more so around Wanda. She was the mind with the mind powers.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, "for what I did. We were both blinded by revenge and Ultron promised that we would have it. If we had known his true intentions, we never would have helped him."

There was a tense silence between us as she waited for me to answer. I may be closed off at times and didn't express emotions much, but I did know when someone was being truthful.

"I believe you," I said, looking up at the red haired girl.

A smile broke out on her lips, "and I am truly sorry for what I showed you. What I made you see."

That uncomfortable feeling fell over me yet again at the mention of my memories. She seemed to have noticed and quickly changed the subject. "You know, Pietro is just being... Pietro."

"What?" I asked confused as to what she was talking about.

"We have only had each other for a long time now," she explained. "He just wants a friend. Someone other than his sister to talk to."

"I'm sorry about what I said to him," I apologized.

"Maybe you should tell him yourself," Wanda said with a smile.

"Could you ask him to meet me after training tomorrow?" I asked, wringing my hands nervously.

"I can do that," she replied as she stood from the chair. "If Pietro asks why I was late, I woke up late."

I nodded, watching as she left the room. There was an odd feeling in my mind, wondering what had just happened. Maybe I had befriended the girl. Whatever it was, I knew for sure that it was nice.


The rest of the day was spent with Clint. He had complained about how I was keeping to myself all the time. But when I refused to speak too much on the topic, he stopped and immediately changed the subject.

The sun was setting by the time I returned to my room. After closing the door, I walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, crossing my legs underneath me.

The day has been uneventful except for my conversation with Wanda. That thought made my stomach twist in nervousness as I thought about what I would say to her brother the next day.

Pietro and I were very different, that much was for sure. While he was cocky and talkative. I was serious, when the time needed it to be, and silent.

As I thought about the worst case scenarios that could happen the next day, a bad habit of mine, I found my hand inching towards my jeans pocket, where I kept the pen drive. But before I could pull it out, I stopped myself.

I already had enough things on my mind. I didn't need the burden of another big secret in my head, but I made a mental note to look at it after talking to Pietro the next day.

Let's just hope he wasn't one of those people who liked to keep grudges.


I am so so sorry for not updating on Friday! I had a bit of writer's block, but it's gone now and Friday updates will continue!

On a happy note... 4k!!!!! Thank you all sooo much! You're probably going to get another update before Friday as a thank you!

And about the chapter, I haven't included Wanda much in the book, so I though I'd bring her in. Next chapter should be interesting! Whose excited!?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now