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Twenty | what going on?

The room was enveloped in a comfortable silence as Pietro worked and I sat watching. Even though I tried to keep my eyes on my hands, they flitted up to look at him every now and then.

Pietro Maximoff was a rather peculiar person. When I had first met him, I was under the impression that he was an arrogant boy with an inflated ego and sarcastic attitude who put his motives before others. But, when I tried to get to know him better, I realised that that was not at all the person he was.

Just looking at the way he treated his sister told people that he was so much more than the person he appeared to be. Wanda was special to him. Maybe it was because she was the only family he had, but there was no denying the fact. Maybe he had a sarcastic attitude, but he had a caring side too. He had proven that it wasn't just something reserved specially for his sister when he had comforted me only minutes ago.

Maybe he wasn't the person I had once thought he was. Maybe my judgement had been clouded by the fact that he was an enhanced, from HYDRA. Maybe Pietro and Wanda Maximoff could be heroes after all.

"Hey speedy!" Called a voice from the door, making me jump and turn around. I had been so engulfed in my thoughts that I hadn't heard Clint walk in. "You said you wanted to talk?"

I didn't miss the way his eyes flitted from me to Pietro and back again, a judgemental look on his face. "What are you doing?"

"He's helping me look at some stuff Vision found," I quickly answered. Again, I didn't miss the way Clint's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Okay," he said after a pause. "So, you wanna talk now or later?"

"Now," I mumbled as I got up from my chair. "Now's good."

I mumbled a 'see you later' to Pietro before following Clint out of the room. As we walked Clint remained silent. A little too silent for my liking. "What's on your mind?"

"A lot of things," he answered. "But right now, I need to ask you something."

"Ask away."

"What's going on between you and Pietro?"

I guess it was lucky I didn't choke on the air at that moment. My face flushed a light red as I shook my head, trying to appear as though I wasn't at all taken aback by the question. "Nothing."

"You sure about that, because you two looked really cozy in tha-"

"Yes, I'm sure," I interrupted as I ducked my head to hide the colour rushing up to it.

Clint let out a barely hidden sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Good, I already have enough to deal with. Don't need a teenage boy messing with you added on my list."

"Clint!" I cried out, a groan falling from my lips as I came to a complete halt, staring at him in shock as he walked towards his room.

The only sound I heard was his tired laughter.


As usual, talking to Clint had lifted my mood. Clint and I sat in his room for almost an hour. I gave him the pen drive that he promised to look at, mumbling something about having to talk to Fury about terrible timing.

Even though talking to Clint, and Pietro before that, had calmed my nerves on the topic of my parents, my mind still wouldn't quiet down enough for me to fall asleep that night. I tossed and turned for almost an hour as I tried to push the many thoughts fogging my mind away until I finally gave into it. I pushed the covers off of my body and climbed out of bed pulling my hair into a messy knot before walking out of my room and to the party room.

I almost expected to see Pietro sitting on one of the many couches scattered around the room, but was instead greeted by complete silence. For just a second I felt upset over the fact that he wasn't there.

Pushing the thought away, I sank to the ground near the glass wall, gazing out into the busy streets if New York. Even at night the city was alive with music and laughter. Instead of trying to ignore the thoughts I had been pushing away for the past hour, I let them come at full force.

Pietro Maximoff definitely was not the person I thought he was when I first met him. Niether was his sister. I had thought of them as threats, ones who didn't deserve a chance to right their wrongs in anyway. But somehow, after seeing him today, the way he had talked to me without judging me for my past in any way, I had seen him differently. I saw him, not for the mistakes he had made in the past, but for what he was doing to make up for it by helping us stop Ultron. They may have inhuman abilities, but they were still humans and a lot more like me than I had initially thought. If I deserved a second chance, they did too.


As usual, I managed to end a chapter super awkwardly. Well, what else is new? So, this chapter was pretty much a filler but I think it's pretty important since the stuff happening with Pietro is making Clarke think more about him. They were already friends (even if they don't admit it) and now that relationship may be developing into something more! I just really wanted to add in the part where Clint asks about Pietro, being the overly protective father figure for Clarke and all.

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Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now