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Twenty two | Sokovia

"I found all the places he has been to and that's a lot," Pietro said, pointing to the monitor.

"We can't go and check all those places," I mumbled as I read through the names. "Has he been going back anywhere?"

"Many times,many places," Pietro said, sitting down on one of the chairs. "It's random. There's no way we can find where he is from here."

"Not with that attitude," I muttered under my breath causing Wanda to chuckle.

"Maybe we can find a place he's been to the most," she added, from where she was sitting, her eyes trained on the screen as well.

I smiled. "That's a great idea, but I don't think it's just Ultron whose been travelling so much..."

Both twins gave me confused looks. "What do you mean?" Wanda asked.

"The legionnaire," I answered. "He has his drones. He could send them around to do his bidding. Maybe he's collecting somethings?"

"He probably wanted to make something with the Vibranium he took..." Pietro said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yeah, but that's not our priority right now. First, we need to find Ultron, then we'll deal with whatever doomsday weapon he's building," I said, before turning to Wanda. "Let's try your idea."

Pietro stepped up to the computer more than eager to get the work done quickly. I could see it on both their faces, the guilt they were trying to keep hidden. They obviously blamed themselves for what Ultron was doing. They had aided him in his plans. But all that, no longer mattered. Both Wanda and Pietro were on our side now.

Pietro's fingers clicked against the keys so quickly that I was sure the keys were going to break. Within seconds, he was sitting back again. "Sokovia?"

"What?" Wada asked, frowning.

"He's been in Sokovia the most," Pietro said.

"Then maybe that's where we'll find him," I leant towards the monitor before turning the twins. "I'll tell Clint and see if he knows anything."

I got up and started walking towards the door before stopping and turning around again, a kind of shy feeling stirring in my stomach. "Thanks, for helping I mean."

"You're welcome," Wanda said with a smile. "We're glad to help."

I found Clint in a small room filled with old tech. He was sitting in a chair, headphones pressed to his ears with a look of concentration on his face. He was twisting knobs on a device set on top of the table, his eyes glued to the computer screen in front of him.

"You know I can see you there," he said after a while.

"I didn't want to disturb you," I said quietly as I walked in and stopped beside him.

He pulled off the headphones and looked up, frustration evident on his face though he tried to hide it. "Did you find anything?"

"Uh, yeah," I nodded. "He's been to Sokovia many times. We think thats where he might be."


"Pietro and Wanda helped," I explained.

"Do I have to worry about this boy because I'm starting to," Clint frowned.

"Wha- that's not the point right now and even if it were, there is nothing going on between us," I groaned, my face flushing red as my stomach did a flip at the very idea of me and Pietro actually being something more than friends.

"I'm having a hard time believing it..." Clint mumbled under his breath so softly that I had a feeling he didn't want me to hear that.

I ignored the remark as Clint brought the headphones back to his ears. He frowned, reaching to turn a knob carefully. His frown morphed into a grin as he turned the knob again and clicked the mouse a couple of times zooming in on a place on the map displayed on the computer.

"What? Did you find something?" I whispered, too afraid to talk loudly in case I ended up disturbing him.

Clint nodded, dropping the headphones. "Yeah. You were right. Nat's in Sokovia, so our best bet's that Ultron is too. We should tell the others."

I nodded and followed Clint out of the room. He put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. "You did a good job too, you know. I never thought you'd actually work with someone."

I pushed him away, glaring. But the glare vanished as soon as it came. I was way too happy about the fact that we had finally found Natasha.


I'm not very happy with this chapter but it's important in some way? Anyway, the big fight is coming soon and there are only three (or maybe four) chapters left before the epilogue now. Whose excited!?
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Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now