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Twenty three | warm feeling

As I bent down to pick up my bow, I heard someone else walk into the room behind me. I turned around to see Pietro looking at the weapon in my hand.

"You use a bow?" He asked, pointing at it.

I laughed, seeing the surprised look on his face. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"Well... I just thought you were more of a... gun person?" He scratched his head unsure.

"Whatever gave you that impression?" I asked as I adjusted the quiver on my back. He shrugged as he watched me walk across the room. "Can you hold this?" I asked holding out the bow.

Pietro was standing beside me in a second. I smiled as I handed it to him and chuckled at the look of confusion on his face when he took it. "It's heavier than I thought."

"Mmhm," I mumbled as I took a couple of arrows and placed them in the hidden pockets on the leggings of my suit.

When I turned around to take my bow back, he was watching me, an unreadable expression on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but the words died at the tip of my tongue. For a second my gaze was locked on his and I felt that warm feeling in my stomach again. But that moment broke when his eyes flitted down to my lips for just an instant before moving back to my eyes.

My stomach twisted into a nervous knot as I quickly tore my eyes away from his. "We... we should go," I mumbled, keeping my eyes away from him. But before I could take more than one step towards the exit, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, though not in a way that struck panic in my stomach. Instead the warm feeling only got worse at his touch.

"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly once I was facing him again.

"I- I have to tell you something. Before we go," he said it in such a way that he was unsure of the words that left his mouth. "I mean, we could die for all we know."

Normally, I would have replied with a sarcastic comment along the lines of 'we will with an attitude like that', but at the moment, my mind was completely blank. Half of me wanted someone to walk in through the door at that moment and the other half wanted something else entirely.

"I- I don't know how to tell you this, but," he paused, watching me for a reaction, but I just stood still as a statue unsure what to do. "You're not like any other girl I've met. You're... different. And in a good way. I guess at first I just enjoyed getting on your nerves without actually doing anything but... after you told me about your parents, I just... I can't stop thinking about you."

He obviously took my silence as something entirely different because a look of disappointment washed over his face before he quickly wiped it away. "I understand if you don't-"

I leant forward and pressed my lips to his. He was obviously surprised by my move because I was too. He stayed frozen for a nerve-wracking second before he relaxed, his lips moving gently against mine. I felt my lips curve up into a small smile as a giddy feeling lit up in my stomach. But the moment that I wished would last forever ended in a second as I pulled away from him.

I could hear someone's footsteps approaching. "Someone's coming," I mumbled, my eyes going to his and felt my stomach jump when I saw the smile on his face as he looked down at me.

"Hey, Speedy! You ready to go yet?" Clint asked, poking his head into the room. His eyes went immediately from me to Pietro and back and forth for a second before he opened his mouth and closed it again. I felt my face flush red as I walked to Clint and out of the room. Pietro ran past us quickly to his sisters side.

Clint continued to stare at Pietro from where he stood next to Wanda. He finally looked down at me after a second. "I knew you were lying."


"You two kissed!" Clint hissed.

My face flushed red again and Clint pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Did he kiss you?"

I kept my mouth firmly closed, ducking my head to hide my flushed face.

"You kissed him?" Clint asked.

I refused to answer his questions and walked away to where Tony and Steve were standing. Tony of course, didn't spare a second before asking me why I looked like 'a cute little tomato'.


The chapter has finally come! They kissed! I know boys don't spill their feelings easily but this is an exceptional situation. They are going to fight an army of robots and could die! Anyway! What did you think? Was it wierd? Was it awkward?

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Thanks for reading!

Run To You | Pietro Maximoff [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now