Fully Recovered

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(Dayu's POV)

It took me four more days before I fully recovered from my sickness. I was not allowed outside of the cabin, the news of me having yellow fever scared the whole camp.

But they were not scared to come near Captain Wang even though he shared a cabin with me for the whole three days that I am sick.

That gain him a new reputation though. Him not getting sick while caring for me just prove that...

"He is not human," helpers whispered aroung the camp. "Maybe he is made of rocks,"

"He's a big stone, no illness can penetrate that body," his own soldiers will boast to other troops.

Captain Wang is sickness free. If he didn't get sick while nursing a helper with yellow fever, no illness can put him down.

Meanwhile, I am the illness carrying helper who had to hide in the cabin. And because I have too much time in my hand, I decided to clean the whole cabin and air it out.

Captain Wang is not happy of course...

"Why are you cleaning?" He exclaimed after seeing me on my knees trying to scrub the bathing tub.

He helped me to stand up, I smiled at him. "I feel uncomfortable just waiting and sitting here inside the cabin. I had to do something,"

"But you got sick. You got weak. You haven't recover fully yet. I don't want the fever coming back," Captain Wang will make me sit on the bed and he will get water for me.

I will drink it while staring at him from the rim of the mug. He is being extra careful in handling me.

His hugs are not tight anymore. His kisses are always gentle and light. When he touch me, it was always flitting and it will not last.

Like he was afraid he will break me. Like I am made of a fragile material that will tear if handled roughly.

He is frustrating me to no end.

I need him. It has been four days since I get up from that bed and walk around. I feel strong. I feel fine.

But I think he doesn't see that.

What he is still seeing is the sick Dayu who had fever for days and sweating and moaning in bed. Not the recovered Dayu who can walk, work and run around the camp.

I need him. But everytime I will try to deepen the kiss or pull him on top of me when we are in bed, he will stop and cuddle me gently instead.

He is frustrating me to no end!

Where is my strong and sometimes rough lover? Who is this too gentle creature who is killing me with sweet kisses and light touches?

I want my rough lover back!

Mei is just another version of him. My cousin will smile and gently deny me when I want to practice with him.

I want to tie them together and show them who is weak and fragile!

Well tonight I am not having it! Captain Wang taught me the pleasure of the flesh...he should be responsible to give it to me when I want it!


I sighed as I watch him transfer food to my plate from his plate. Giving me the delicious parts of the meat. Taking away the bitter tasting vegetables, and those were my favorites, leaving me with the sweet tasting ones. He will give me more portion of the fruits and my rice intake doubled in the lasts four days since I started eating again.

Plus all those sweet smelling tea and rice cakes and treats Uncle Shu secretly slip in the cabin for me.

They are all smothering me with care. Even Captain Jiang will give me his dumplings while telling me how glad he is that I am alive.

Strange...all this people.

I am not fragile! I am not breakable! I survived poison! Twice! Can they claim to have done the same? I don't think so! So why are they treating me like I am a flower in bloomed to be preserve?

Well, like I said, I will not have any gentleness tonight. I want some passionate kisses and touches and I will have it even if I have to force it out of my lover.


After dinner, Captain Wang left the wooden tray with the dishes and utensils outside for the helpers to pick up tomorrow.

We started cleaning to get ready for bed. This will be my chance to seduce my Captain.

I can't believe I have to seduce him again. When I know I am never adept at it. But once again, the daft man is forcing me.

I stood naked as he readied water to wash me. He do this every night. Wash me methodically, clinically and even impersonally. But do nothing aside from wiping me with wet cloth.

I am insulted.

I smiled at him as he started washing me. Like I said, clinically, like he is my doctor and I am his patient.

After washing me he put his robe on my shoulders and ask me to sit on the bed. Then he started taking his clothes off to wash himself.

But I took the cloth from him, "Let me wash you too," I said while smiling.

He laugh and shook his head, "No my heart. Just go to bed already. I will join you soon. Please,"

My smile faltered and I obeyed him. I thought I can wash him and maybe touch him too.

But it looks like he doesn't want that.

As I went to the bed I thought of a new strategy. If I can't move him with showing how strong I am. Maybe me being weak can weaken him.

I slip under the blanket naked and faced the wall, away from him. I felt him slid beside me and put his arm around my waist.

I sniff. He grew rigid behind me.

"Dayu? Are you crying?" He touch my shoulder, I flinch away from his touch. I slide closer to the wall. Almost kissing it. Maybe the wall will kiss me back...I thought. Unlike the Captain.

I sniffed again. He move closer to me. "Dayu..."

I turn around, he was so surprise he move backward and put a hand on his neck. I pout at him, I am irresistable when I pout, "Will you tell me if you don't want me anymore?" I asked him.


I sniffed again, just for effect. "I will understand if you want to kiss and touch other people now. Just tell me so I can leave..."

"No! Dayu I..."

"Don't want me anymore. Don't try to lie about it. You don't kiss me anymore. Not with passion. And you don't want to hold me anymore. I can feel it," I sounded miserable. I feel miserable, that is no acting.

"Dayu, that's not it..."

I move closer to him, "Then make love to me." I challenged him.

He hesitated. His face showed reluctantcy. Like he wanted to say no to me.

I move back again. I nodded at him. "I understand," I lay down again and face the wall.

He put a hand on my shoulder and I smiled in the darkness.

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