Operation: Seduction

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(Dayu's POV)

I can't believe it...

It is actually working. My plans to seduce him are actually working and all I have to do was make a fool of myself for two days.

I want to laugh and jump like a child in the rain but that would make all the other helpers wonder if I finally succumb to insanity.

I can't afford for them to start wondering about my sanity.

And besides, the audience around us are important for the Captain to fully submerge himself to my trap.

They are playing a huge part on my stage play.

I really can't believe it. It's working...

"You!" I turn my head when Uncle Shu shout. He is pointing at me so I abandon the pots I am washing to run to him. "Come with me," he said sternly before walking away. I scratch my head and followed him.

He took me to his quarter. When I closed the door, I quickly ducked to avoid a flying jug aimed at me.

"Uncle! That would have hurt!" I winced when he gave me a glare. "I know, you will not approve..."

"And yet you still did it!" he angrily replied in a hard hushed tone. He walked to me, I took a step back. I may be the current top assasin but he is my predecessor. I know how quick my uncle can move. He can still hurt me, badly.

"Tell me that you have a plan. That you are not walking into this road blindly and in pure craziness alone..."

"Of course I have a plan." I said in the same hushed tone. "And it is working. In no time at all, the Captain will be in my snare. Desiring and wanting me so much he will be willing to spill all his secrets to me..."

Uncle stared at me critically, "Yes, so I have heard. You following him around like a lovesick fool while he publicly humiliated you. I can truly see how he is falling into your feet with so much wanting..."

Now my Uncle is just being sarcastic.

I sighed, "That is all part of the master plan. I need to move fast. I only have two more weeks before the two generals arrive. Time is of the essence. I need that information fast and this is the only way I know how to get it efficiently. Trust me Uncle..."

He stared at me some more, the he sighed. "Do I have any other choice but to trust you? You have already put your plan in motion. But if you fail, I will string you and your cousin together on that mulberry tree at the back and lash you both within an inch of your lives. How dare the both of you decide on your own and push me aside?!"

"Because you will react like this. I told you Uncle, I have it under control. My plan is working and now I just need a favor from you,"

He sneered, "Now you need me? You ungrateful idiot...what kind of favor?"

I smiled, I also anticipated this. Uncle will be mad at first but he won't be able to deny me. I am his favorite nephew after all.

"I want you to hire me as a camp helper formally. Make me a regular and permanent worker here so..."

"So the Captain will lose his status as your keeper," my uncle finished my sentence.

I snapped my fingers, "Correct. And that would also mean that I won't need to sleep in his cabin anymore. I will have a place now at the helper's bunk..."

"And after that?" Clearly my Uncle cannot see the scenario of my plan.

"After that? The situation will reverse. He will start chasing after me."

Uncle took some moment to process that. "He will? How did you know that he will come after you,"

"Cause the Captain loves a challenge. Those kind of men hates to lose. Me putting distance and avoiding him, he will take it as me losing interest with him. He won't he able to stand that. He will start chasing me then..."

Uncle looked doubtful, "And if you are wrong in your speculations? If he didn't chase you?"

I confidently smirked, "Oh he will chase me Uncle. I will force him to chase me. I have plans to achieve that."

Me having everyone's symphathy in this camp will push the Captain to chase after me. If that still won't work, I still have plan b and c.

My uncle looked at me tiredly. "Why go with this eleborate plan? Is seducing him really this hard?"

"Yes, and it's your fault." I pointed at him. "I can't chase the Captain for too long because I have no patience and experience at expressing interest to others. You just taught your nephews to slash a sword, tighten a rope, carry poisoned needles and wield a knife. You never taught us seduction and flirting with others. Now I am scrambling to get the Captain's attention while Mei is being taught by that sleazy and greasy Captain Jiang,"

Uncle's face darken upon hearing the name of Mei's lover. "If he make Mei miserable, I will butcher that Jiang and make hot stew out of his bones.

I will help him of course.

"Mei can handle himself. I want to know if you can do that favor for me. Can you hire me as an official helper?"

Uncle nodding reluctantly, "Should I announce it tonight at dinner?"

"Yes, that would perfect. Also ask a helper to pick my things on the Captain's cabin after you make the announcement. Promote another one so it won't be suspicious..."

Uncle shook his head, "This plan of yours. You will either be the biggest fool or the cleverest strategist after all this is done."

I grin at him again. "Trust me Uncle, I know what I am doing..."

"I sure hope so," with another shake of his head, uncle left me alone at his quarter to start supervising the cooking of dinner in the kitchen.

I was left feeling relieved that I managed to escaped an immediate death from the hands of my Uncle.

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