Perspective of His Beloved Friend

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Chapter VII

Perspective of His Beloved Friend

"Man I'm just kidding! hahahaha ^_^ XD :P" Dave chatted to Toby while laughing with his own chat.

"Come on dude, I'm almost at the peak of worrying! Stop joking!" Toby replied back.

"Sorry my friend but atleast I still know you have concern on her up to now 3:)"

"Concern AS A FRIEND of hers not as a lover anymore. Too tired of it."

"Pffftt love can't just go away like a bubble that will pop immediately, it must go through a lot of processes in order to be forgotten."

"Processes be damned! Then I'll take it to force."

"Woah I tell you, you really can't push love away. You need to undergo through a lot of situations where pain exists."

"I know you had ex-girlfriends and had experience but this one is different."

"No, it's the same."

Toby paused for a while. Dave knew that Toby saw his chat due to the 'seen' notification. Then he saw that he is already typing but several minutes ate his patience so he chatted, "What's taking you so long?"

"I don't think true love exists within our youthful days (what I'm talking about is romantic love). Teenagers have a lot of unique abilities. They manifest their love to one another and then disputes will come and then they will break apart. Infatuation is also popular as it  lures teens' eyes to someone who has physical appearance and they claim that they were attracted to that person at all aspects. We all claim that we experience true love when we're bounded by relationships with each other."

He continued, "Well, now I realized that I was fallen into this trance of infatuation because I'm attracted to Natalie and I claimed it is real love. We fall inlove when we're alone without realizing that we're not ready for another one. Teens do not fully understand the concept of trust, faith, and understanding which stands as the pillars of love regardless of its types."

"Well thank you Toby for letting my nose release a gallon of blood due to your excellent speech but I agree with what you said. Well I admit I am playing with love since I was broken-hearted made by Madeline. I got your point at that."

"So now would you believe me that I am NOT inlove with Natalie?"

"Hahahaha infatuation then? Okay I accept that ^_^"

"We'll end our conversation now. Goodnight :D"

"I hope I will find another one :)"

"Didn't I just tell you that teens cannot experience true love yet?"

"Come on dude I'm just kidding. Goodnight! :D"

"Okay. Goodnight ^_^"

That ended their conversation. Toby went to his bed and then he slept. The next day, his mom woke him up at quarter to 7 because he is an altar server and he needed to serve because it is sunday. He finished drinking his chocolate drink, took a bath, brushed his teeth, wore his altar server clothes and then he headed to the church.

He saw Matthew. Matthew also saw him. They stared at each other for a long time. With their thoughts wondering how are they doing.

"Hmmmm. How is my old friend doing? What is his next move? To force her to love him? Or he will fight fairly? Still, he needs to learn his lessons." Toby said to himself.

As for Matthew's point of view, he thought that Toby's winning his love to Natalie and he is afraid of losing her but he has no grudge against Toby since it was his fault for breaking up with her. He wanted to bring Natalie back to him fairly and at the same time to settle disputes and misunderstandings to Toby to make him his beloved friend once again. 

Going back on saturday night, he was thinking on how to settle disputes with Toby. He knew that there will be a lot of agreements to be made once both of them wanted to settle dispute. He also had problems regarding with many of his friends because they were observing Matthew's behaviour lately since their break-up. 

"Oh no... I messed everything... I lost Natalie. I also lost Toby and David. Even some of my friends turned their backs against me...  

"What a horrible life... I should've controlled and visualize first what is going to happen... like chess... Toby's mad at me for everything..."

Matthew remembered and reminisced all his memories with Natalie. All their happy moments, sad moments, unforgettable memories that they shared with one another until the time that he left her. 

"Now Toby even thinks that I'm mad at him for entertaining Natalie at all times, no, most of the times. How I wish everything would be back to normal."

Matthew also knew that Toby hated him since he began correcting people and then putting them into shame after he corrects them. That's also the reason why people began ignoring him or worse, backbiting him for what he is doing.

"I need to sleep. I need to serve tomorrow."

Matthew then went to sleep. The next morning, he woke up at exactly 5:25 am going to the church at 6:00 am. He saw Joshua. Joshua Carl Rushwood, small, stubborn, 15-year old boy who is very participative in serving God. He gets along with Toby, David, Gregor, Jonathan, and Matthew. His nickname is Angelo

"We're still few? Only five? Ordinary serving?" He asked.

"Some are still eating." Angelo said.

"Oh well we'd better change now, or else our adviser's gonna get mad at us."

They changed into their Sotana. Then they waited for others and then started serving. The mass didn't went spectacular as most of their actions have mistakes.

The mass had ended and they went back to their convent. It was already 7:30 am at that time then suddenly Toby arrived.

He saw Toby. Toby also saw him. They stared at each other for a long time. With their thoughts wondering how are they doing.

"I wonder if he owned her already. It's all my fault anyway. I was too reckless at that time. Don't worry I won't get mad at you." Matthew said to himself.

As hours pass by, they get to wonder again what would be their moves at each other, like playing chess. Their day went questionable. That night, both of them prepared for another days of happiness for themselves, the University Week.

Their performance last Intramurals were like menacing lions. This time, they are about to battle something that would be favored by the odds, which is what they call "college".

End of chapter 7

Be ready for the next chapter entitled, "The Duration of Their Happiness pt. 2"

Thank you for reading :D

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