The Three Happy Souls

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Chapter XIII

The Three Happy Souls

December is the best month for Toby in his point of view. This is the reason for the happiness of those who strive hard to survive. Toby celebrates christmas yearly with his family being complete.

This year, Toby has two new buddies added in his heart. They are David and Natalie. They became closer through conference calls. They had countless conference calls together.

On their conference calls, Toby is the one who speaks the most while Natalie as the least. David and Toby play music while Natalie hears them. Toby made two songs. He let the two listen to them and they got amazed because of that.

Sometimes when the signal is bad or their location is bad, they can't have good conference. Sometimes the weather interrupts their calls making their connections uneasy as possible. They find time to connect harder.

Conference calls doesn't happen at all times. One has to leave the call just because he/she is busy that time, so the other two will call each other and tell stories while the other one sacrificed calling with the two. 

They find time to call each other even at busy days like the nine days of dawn mass, christmas, new year, etc. At occassions, the two boys are drunk, not to mention that Natalie is sometimes bothered.

The only happiness that keeps them three is the conference call. It completes their day. Those times were good times as December, until January sets in and their happiness broke down due to many circumstances.

End of Chapter 13

Be ready for the next chapter entitled, "True Happiness".

~~NOTE: Let us all cooperate in limiting or prohibiting ourselves in having fun tomorrow. We can't be happy while Jesus is suffering.~~

Thank you for reading :D

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