The Night Where Nightmare Began

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Chapter XIX

The Night Where Nightmare Began

Every teens have their own satisfaction in their highschool life. Some are satisfied with fame, fun, friends, and others for power like gaining high positions in any organization, academic classes, clubs, and any other else. They participate in many events as one of the parts of their lives. But what they mostly prepare for, and what they mostly wait for, is promenade.

They become busy buying their dresses and suits that fit them well. Some students were chosen for the cotillon, presidential, and ballroom dances. They practice properly for the big night of their lives. Many are willing to participate in the said night.

After the event, teens find it memorable. A night that is full of memorial treasures. A moment sought to be a paradise. A dream that came true. A night clean from worries, depression, miseries, and any other joy-killing factors. Of all the teens that kept the prom as greatest memory, only one threw it away with anxiety, claiming that his expectations in the big night were the opposite made by reality.

He is but a young individual who only wanted happiness in his entire life but all what's given to him is pain. He is known by the name of Toby.

Before the prom, Toby was included in the presidential dance with David and friends. Mandy was also included. Chloe, Natalie and others were in cotillon so they had separate practice. If not on the gym, the members of the presidential dance practice on the Basic Education Unit gym, size of a basketball court with allowance.

Their promenade was scheduled on saturday from 5:00 p.m until 11 midnight. Friday was the valentine's day so Toby gave a bouquet of flowers to Mandy. Mandy was surprised a little bit. She hugged Toby. He tried to avoid his classmates' teases as they hug. That day there were no lessons because they need to rehearse on their dances.

Meet Irish Agatha Ulemore, 16-year old girl who became Toby's partner. Toby was very shy at first because his partner is the vice president of the High School Student Council, an organization to ensure the discipline and order of the highschool students. It was only that day, valentine's day, that they became a bit close to each other, calling each other "bro". It was a great honor for Toby.

Then came the most awaited day, saturday. Toby wore his formal attire. The theme of the prom is the culture, clothes, and dances of the people from Victorian Era. Toby went to school very early. He only found Kenny with his suit. They talked for a bit, then they headed to the venue where they enjoy the night, the gymnasium.

They waited for other companions. Toby waited for Mandy because he will let her wear a corsage. They chatted for a while. Toby had his hair groomed properly, his tail coat that emphasizes his loyalty to the theme, his gestures of formality, and his actions that fit well for the said theme.

The program began. The entrance of the dancers began. It was a long one due to the number of senior and junior students. They sat down on their respective seats.

They had their fixed dances. First one was the cotillon, presidential, then the ballroom. Toby danced well with Irish. He managed to carry her in the part where he should carry her despite her weight, the density of her outfit, and the weak left arm of Toby due to fracture when he was still a freshman.

After the dance, Toby gave himself a break. Forwarding time, they ate their food. Then the dance proper was initiated by their teacher as she announced. He asked Mandy to be his first dance. They danced well watched by those who didn't dance yet. He was so happy by the time they had their picture together.

Toby held a grudge against Jessica and her friends that time because of some misunderstandings. Toby was very crushed at that time because both opposing parties want his attention among them. It was somehow explained by Jessica as she dance with him though.

He danced and he danced until he was out of breath. He sat for a while and waited for lady's choice. Sadly he wasn't chosen by Mandy but by June. They danced together.

Time passes and at the tip of prom's ending, Toby was surprised that Greg became the prom king and he was happy about it. Of all the moments he cherished, there's only one part he is afraid for and he made his theory that something will happen in the future that he will not like the most.

He tried to call Mandy after the big night and she picked it up. He sighed for a little and asked where they are and how are they. She replied that she and her friends are sleeping on a hotel that night.

He couldn't sleep well because he was really afraid of what will come next. He felt that he will not withstand it and he will soon regret that he created dispute between him and Jessica's friends.

End of chapter 19

Be ready for the next chapter entitled, "The Comforts Of a New Family."

~~The next chapters will still be based from true story only that the author will create some events so disturbing.~~

Thank you for reading :)

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