Peace Conference Pt. 1

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Chapter XXIII

Peace Conference Pt. 1

While the teacher is outside talking to Mandy as she burst out in tears, Toby and Dave talked to each other leaving the whole class

"From those two groups, where do you stand?" Toby asked.

"I don't want to get myself involved." Dave replied.

"So you're in the neutrals?"

"Maybe. I guess."

"Oh okay."

"How about you Toby?"

"I'll decide to give peace on both sides. I may involve myself but atleast, for the good."

"You know what Tobias?"


"I pity you."

"Why would you pity me?"

"When I am in your foot, I will be forced to join one side."

"What do you mean?"

"You were almost crushed by both sides since you got attached to them. What I mean is one side wants your attention and same as the other. It's good you can balance that."

"No, not really David. I won't even know if one side will be mad at me once I gave attention to the other. All I ever wanted is peace among them, and I shall find peace within myself once that happens."

"But I think it's impossible to fix this. There's too much damage in this fight, too much hatred."

"No, it is still possible as long as someone will fix it. Huge costs can be necessary."

"Then who will fix it? Our teachers have tried their best and they thought it worked."

"Yeah. Madness everywhere. Too much backbiting, gossips, and misunderstandings. It's just like bringing back the feathers of a naked chicken. But, everything is possible as they said."

"I don't think it will be possible."

"It will be. There's always a solution to a problem but sometimes solutions come late so what we need to do is to hasten that solution and we can bring back the old happy days."


"I thought of one. Maybe we can create another group."

"Groups again? Toby you it will be dangerous if--"

"The purpose is different! It is to settle peace once and for all! The group can dissolve once the job is done."

"Sooo who will be joining in this group?"

"I won't be letting anyone join, especially those who are still in favor of one side. Unless he/she learns how to understand both sides, I will not let him/her join the group."

"So, got any leads?"

"You speak as if you were already in the group."

"Ofcourse I'll be joining, since I don't want to get involved. I'll just say something I know of both sides."

"You wanna join? Okay then. Wyonne can join too since she's also tired of the rambling everywhere."

"That makes us three. Who else?"

"I'll ask Wyonne first."

Toby went to Wyonne to ask if she can spend some time settling the dispute. She thought about it, and few minutes later she agreed.

"I managed to convince her." Toby said while approaching to his seat where they talked with Dave.

"Good then, wanna add more members?" Dave asked.

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