chapter (2) ....*calls ,calls and potato chips*

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I woke up and checked my phone. It was 2:30 a.m. my eyes went wide ,wow school really makes you sleep!. I stretched a little and then turn to the side. I never did like the dark, that's when my mind decides to play tricks on me until I get the courage to run out of bed only to jump in my sisters own for refuge.

Soon after my stomach began to make whale calls. I shift in bed uneasily remembering I skipped dinner. Dang it! There's no way on earth I'm going into that dark kitchen alone at this time of the night!. Come on, think , think .... Think....brain blast !!!!!!. I'm going to call my sister to come with me. She always sleeps with her phone under her pillow am sure she'll hear it ring.

I dialed my sister Katy number and listened while it rung. After five rings it went to voice mail. Hmm..well that's not how I planned it. I dialed it once more and again and again until she answered. Yesss!! I mentally fist bump the air.

"What!" She screamed into the phone.

I tried my best to hold back my laughter. But I could not get the smile to leave my face. At this point you'd think I'm related to joker. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Why so serious....can't you put a smile on that face..." I whispered into the phone then burst out into an evil laugh " muhuhuhahahahaaaaa"

Followed after that was a string of colorful words that would make a sailor blush. I held back my laughter trying my best to keep quiet until she calmed down.

"Why are you calling me at this time Kimmy, its 3 a.m.!!!!" She half whisper half screamed at me.

"The skies awake, so I'm awake ,so we have to plaaaay!!!!!" I shout into the phone.

And there comes those colorful words. Boy at the rate she's going, the colors of the rainbow seems dull in comparison. Then she hung up. Oh hell no, she can't hang up on me! Am still hungry !!!!!. So I called her back.

"What is it now kim?" She asked sounding like she's about to cry.

"Do you wanna build a snow maaaaaaan" I sang .

"Come on! Let's go and plaaaaaaay!" Silence.

"I never see you anymore, come out the door.. Its like you've gone awaaaaaay" I waited, then I heard her growl.

"GO AWAY STUPID !!!!" She shout.

"Nooo please am hungry!" I cried out "please bring me fooooood" I said with fake sobs.

She sighed and said " Open your eyes moron, mom put snacks on your night stand in case you woke up in the middle of the night and wouldn't come bother us!"

Wow really , mummy is so thoughtful I thought with a smile. I looked at my night stand to see snacks and juice with a note that said 'didn't wanna wake u, here's something to munch on. Love mom' awwwww she brought me fooooood!!!. Without hesitation I started singing to Katy

"Food is so much better than people, Katy don't you think am riiiight!" I sang

"Go away stupid !" With that she hung up.

Ouch ! That hurt. Oh well I turned to the snacks on the night stand and dug in while singing 'food is so much better than people ' that kinda have a nice ring to it. I took up a bag of potato chips and stared at it longingly then said.
" you wouldn't shout at me like Katy did right?" Silence .

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