chapter (8).... *cheater*

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"You heard me" Emma challenged.

"Is that true miss Scott?" Mr salmon asked.

"No sir! She's lying." Defended.

"Why would I lie? How else could she have gotten a perfect score without being here" Emma countered.

"Because I studied. Something you wouldn't know about. You should try it" I bellowed frightening everything with my tone along with myself.

"Doesn't  matter. I saw you take out the answered out of your bag. You hung your bag behind you pretending to not have any business with it. And when you thought no one wasn't looking you put the paper back. I saw the whole thing" Emma said folding her arms.

"That's not true" I said firmly. Emma rolled her eyes.

"I saw i too sir" gosh said raising his hands with a half grin on his face.

"So you don't mind letting us look through your bag" Mr salmon asked.

"You believe her!" I said in grave incredulity.

"Well miss Scott, cheating on tests is common among the student population.  However I believe you didn't cheat on your test but to prove your innocence's to the class, showing them your bag doesn't hold the paper with the answers would be best. "He explained and I nod. I still didn't like it. Its my bag and I have a right to have privacy. 

"What, Have something to hide alien?" Emma asked smirking.

"Yes, a few sanitary napkins but feel free to enter. You seem like the type to rummage through waste." I fired back with confidence I didn't know I still had left in me.

"Okay ladies enough!" Mr salmon interject then walked over to my bag and took it up. He was about to open it then mumbled something along the line of 'sanitary napkin' and 'ugh females' and drop the bag to the floor. I didn't really have sanitary napkins in there. I just wanted a come back and that was the first thing that came to mind at the moment. Emma then walk up to us and took hold of my bag.

"Ummm can one of the females come and look please. Ahh ummm susan please come." Mr salmon said frustrated.

I rolled my eyes. This is invading my privacy. Susan got up and took hold of my bag. She opened it then paused with a frown on her face. Everyone was watching her expectantly as she looked up reluctantly.

"Umm this is wrong. We shouldn't be invading someone's privacy like this. If she say she didn't do it then maybe she really didn't do it." Susan said looking nervous. I wonder why she looks like that.

"Shut up susan and just tell us if its in the bag! We don't have all day you know."  Emma said irritated.

Susan sighed and pulled out a few pages from my bag. My eyes went wide as she slowing turned the papers around to show the answers for today's test and workout with Mr salmon's name written in red ink. Susan looked at me sadly. She mouth a 'sorry' then looked down not meeting my eyes.

"Ha! I knew it. I told you she cheated" Emma said triumphantly.

"No no no that's not right. I didn't put that there. Mr salmon I swear I didn't cheat on the test!" I shrieked nervously.

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