chapter(17) *laughingstock*

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I looked down at my uniform. It was wet and covered in mud. Sighing I set out for home. It was a short walk. Merely two houses away. And during all this time, the rain never stopped pouring. By the time I got to my house, the rain had washed away all the dirt. Only faded dirt stains were left to show that just minutes ago, I was a walking chocolate bar with eyes and arms. I opened the door then sat exhausted on the floor.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled taking off my squishy shoes.

"Jesus, did you fall into quick sand" mom shrieked upon seeing me.

"Sort of" I chuckled.

"Honey your soaking wet. Why didn't you use your umbrella ?" She questioned.

"It got stolen" I whispered looking down.

"Oh my baby. How was school?" mom said coming towards me in full mother mode. Then embraced me into a hug.

"It was awful. I don't want to go back" I sobbed into the hug.

"You cant just not go to school sweetie. " mom point out stroking my wet hair.

"Can't I just be homeschooled or get a transfer. Mom please" I pleaded.

"Oh your a smart girl sweetie. We both know that there's no one here smart enough to teach you what you already know. " mom chuckled.

"Please" I whispered.

"Okay. We'll get you a transfer but until then you have to continue going to school. The authorities would send me to prison if your not" she said reasonably and I nod.

My contact alone with my wet clothes begun to irritate me so I went to shower and change. After that I basically studied until I fell asleep. Using that as a distraction to forget that my life is awful. Well in term of school and my peers that is. My family is okay and I should be grateful.

I woke up the following morning to get to school. I checked my phone that wasn't working properly due to the rain. I had over a thousand messages from WhatsApp and messenger. I ignored them and check my Facebook notifications that was blowing up. I had three hundred notifications. I decided I'd check them when I got home from school being as I had little time to get ready.

I got ready and went to the bus stop. And as usually I had no where to sit. I ended up standing throughout the ride. After the bus came to a stop I tried to get off but I should have just waited until everyone was off before I moved. They pushed ,kicked and tripped me over. Someone even walked over me literally and stepped in my back. I groaned in agony and weekly got off the bus.

With a deep breath I entered the school's doors. The familiar feeling of being watched overtook me. Everyone stopped as I entered and begun laughing. My cheeks heating up I looked down. Soon they started throwing crushed up paper at me. I sped up trying to get to my locker. One minute I was running then the next I was sprawled out on the floor.

"Watch where your going nork" A feminine voice hissed "No one wants to catch your germs"

I looked up to see a very disgusted Emma glaring at me. I clenched and unclenched my fist knowing there's nothing I can do. The sound of laughter surrounding me made it difficult to get up from the floor. My limbs grew weaker as the laughter got stronger.

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