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"Stupid girl, don't you hear me talking to you!" Principal black shouted.

I smirked, still staring at Asher then replied,
"Its unfortunate that your referring to your wife or daughter as stupid Mr black. You see I'm not stupid so I know your not talking to me. I'd however recommended you check yourself out because your speaking to persons who aren't here".

He fumed and raged and most likely sinned his soul, I shrugged because I didn't care. I don't mind getting expelled. This school is awful hence I have nothing to loose.

Still holding Asher's hand, I walked out taking him with me. We walked along the halls and made our way outside. He didn't say anything and neither did I. My burst of confidence slowly died as I played over what I'd just done in my head. As if I was in a movie and suddenly became spider man, thinking I'm invincible.

I glanced up at Asher, tears beginning to form, I hurt him and now he'll probably get in more trouble because of me. I shouldn't have pulled him out of the office.

I sighed"God I'm so stupid"

"Asher I'm so sorry, for everything. I'm a walking disaster and I understand if you don't want to speak to me anymore. I'm sorry I pulled you out of the office. I'll return and tell Mr black it was all my doing, that you had nothing to do with it and I will take all the punishme..."

"Shhhh", he touched my lips then continued" I don't regret anything but hurting you, Kimberly I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I want to make it better".

"Umm...umm..." I was at a lost for words.

He smiled and caressed my cheek and for the longest minute he'd been staring at my lips. I squirmed under his gaze. I felt weird. He was doing something to me and I don't know if I should like it.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked suddenly.

"School isn't half over yet and its a good walk to get there". I reasoned

"Great then we'll have lots of time to get there. Do you really want to go back in there" he pointed behind me.

I weakly agreed. I needed to clear my head a bit and get myself in order. Because I've lost all control over my body and actions. He smiled and strangely I did too. We walked quietly. But I could feel the tension, I wanted to look at him so badly but I felt like a stocker.  

And like always, my body acted against my will and I stared at him. My heart stopped. He was staring back at me. His eyes so beautiful and smile so warm. I tore my gaze away from him as my face heated up. Great now I felt stupid.

"Your not stupid" he spoke up.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Your not stupid for staring, I've been staring at you way before that" he chuckled.

Crap! I voiced that out loud.

"Don't chastise yourself. Its cute having you drooling" now he was enjoying my embarrassment.

My face felt hot. My entire body felt hot. I was near trembling.

I sighed. What is this boy doing to me? I asked myself.

"Winning your heart" he said.

I face palmed myself deciding not to speak to him or myself. It was no use, I just kept embarrassing myself more.

"Hey kim?" He spoke up after some time.

"Hmm" i said looking straight ahead. Though my focus was mainly on him.

"Your so beautiful and it hurts that you don't even see it" he sounded pained.

I gasp at his words. My heart raced like a thousand horses. I stopped and he sensed it so he stopped as well. Slowly I took a step towards him not believing a word he says. I raised my hands. Seconds later my palm made contact with him jaw. He was taken aback by my actions. As he opened his mouth to speak, I cut him off.

"How dare you?" I spat.

"Whaa..what did I do..." He choked out but I cut him off.

"How dare you lie to me." I said conflicted.

"Kim no, I'd never..." He tried to explain but I wasn't having any of it.

"Look at me. How can you stand there and lie to me. I thought you were my friend. " I said with watery eyes.

" I'm a disgrace to humanity. I don't even have friends. I'm not beautiful. My face scares people" I said with my head down.

"Now why on earth would you say that" he questioned but I didn't look up.

"Everyone hates me. Treat me like I have some contagious disease. As if they could catch my ugly...." I trailed off.

Not long after, I felt arms wrapped around my body and the unfamiliar feeling of something touching my head.
Did he just kiss my head ?

I looked up at his face. His eyes begun watering and for the longest while I stared at him and watch the tear drop roll down his cheek. I was confused. Why is he crying..he's the one who lied to me

This boy must have lost his damn mind. Or maybe I'm the one that's confused. But before I could make sense of it all, in a slow movement he leaned towards me. And for a while, I was convinced he was going to tell me there's something on my face. But I was wrong. So very wrong. Deadly wrong. His lips connected with mine and in that moment, my mind went blank. My surroundings and all my doubts melted into the kiss. I allowed myself to fall. To let alien feelings invade my inner being. I stood there, with my eyes closed allowing a guy I barely knew not to hurt me, take over my every being.

It didn't dawn to me that we were in public and I could easily get in trouble. All I knew was my mind was being blown by something I've only seen in movies. Naturally I didn't know what to do and I'm almost 97% sure I'm doing this the wrong way. But the urge to move my lips against his soft ones overpowered me. I felt myself shamelessly pull him closer to me as I drowned myself in him. The sound of clapping tore us apart. I whimpered when his embrace left me but my breath was knocked out of me and was at a lost for word when I saw the person who was walking towards us.

"Why, look what we have here" was all I heard before everything went black.

Yessss... I'm back...sort of.... I know ..I needs editing... And dedication....I will do soon as exams are finished.... But please like...comment....share....if you like it....and I love grammar point outs help...(: love ms Lewin❤

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