chapter(20) *accepting*

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All of a sudden weekends became shorter. It seemed like one day they would no longer exist at the rate it was going. I was thinking this because again I was entering school. I walked down the halls as the familiar sound of laugher followed me. Not only was I used to it but I became tired of it. The laughter was accompanied by the occasional whispering and name calling.

I made my way to my locker as fast as I could and collect some books and papers. Just before I closed my locker, a pink letter fell out tied to a pink rose. The words written on it was "Your beautiful". I scoffed and walked away as I crumbled the paper that had the world's biggest lie written on it. It fell to the ground the same time a group of girls passed and one slammed my books and papers out of my hand.

Without even attempting to confront them, I crouch to the floor to pick them up. I focused on grabbing the pages first as they were blowing away. A males foot came into my view but I paid no attention to it. I begun taking up my books until a single one was left. I reached out for it the same time a hand reached for it. I looked up and was met with a familiar face. One I wasn't happy to see at the moment. Or at any other moment for as long as I lived.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" I asked frustrated, throwing my hands in the air.

"Please just let me explain" he said.

"There's nothing to explain. You should have never been out of jail! The system is unfair and stupid just like you" I said turning to walk away.

"They used to bully me" he said loudly and grabbed onto my wrist.

For a second I froze at the familiar word. I debated whether or not I should hear him out then decided on the former. Slowly I turned around facing him just in time to see a single tear roll down his cheek. But my heart didn't break for him. Anger and rage bubbled inside me. With disgust I yanked my hand out of his hold.

"What?" I hissed ignoring the crowd forming.

"I used to be bullied. Even worse than you did. After you came along it stopped for me. I wanted to thank you but also find a way to help you. Ever since you started this school I've watched you and tried to find ways to confront you and maybe be your friend"  he said in one breath.

My rage grew inside as he spoke those words. He must be really mental if he thinks that's any excuse or think that's the way to make friends. It took every bit of self control I had to control myself from slapping him to Jupiter. I took a deep breath and calmed myself a bit.

"So your idea of making friends is attacking them?" 

He sighed then add "The same guys you saw me with, were the very same ones who first started bullying me. After you came everyone turned on you. They said if I didn't bully you too they would stop being friends with me"

I blinked and he continued "They said I was uncool and bringing down their image. That they would kick me off the team. And I couldn't allow that to happen because its all I got. I'm not smart or have anything else going for me except the team"

"That's a stupid excuse" I scrunched up my face.

"Well it meant something to me. They day  we saw you in the halls, they said if I didn't do it then I was gay and they would tell everyone" he said in a lower tone.

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