chapter (5) *captain uglious*

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I wanted to scream but nothing came out. He was now standing in front of me. How did he even know where I lived!. He could not have possibly followed me home. I tried backing away ,looking for something to grab on to. I really wish I had my frying pan at a time like this. He grabbed onto my wrist and just when sense make back to my brain, I tried to scream. But I was cut off by his hand over my mouth. He leaned closer.

"Shhhhhhhh" he hushed me. "Now I'm going to remove my hand and you are not going to scream, okay? I need to talk to you. Do you understand.

I nodded then he removed his hand.

"What do you want ? How do you know where I live ? What are you doing here!" I screamed at his.

He grabbed my neck and covered my mouth again.

"Okay since you want this to be done the hard way, you listen to me you inferior girl!" He yelled back at me.

"You will not tell anyone of what you saw in the library and to make sure you don't, I will keep reminding you of what will happened to you if you tell anyone that I have dyslexia. You got it !" He yelled.

I nodded while feeling around to find something to knock him out with. Then he continued to speak.

"I will make your life a living hell so you won't even have a best friend to share this secret with. What you've experienced in the halls at school, is only just the beginning of your reminder. Not like anyone would want to be your friend anyway, just look at you." He scoffed and let go.

The were feet coming up the stairs again. Alexander ran and open the door pretending to leave.

"Your leaving so soon?" I heard my mom ask him.

"Yes ,Kimberly was being rude " he said with his head held down.

"What? How dare she behave this way !" 
Mom exclaimed then marched into my room with the devil's son behind her.

"Kimberly Kayla Scott!"
Mom only use my full name when I'm in trouble,
"why are you being rude to your guest? He so kindly came to see if you were okay after seeing you leave school so early and this is how you repay his kind gesture." Mom said eyeing.

"Some kind gesture that was" I scoffed.

Mom gave me a pointed look and I looked away seeing his triumphant smirk rising.

"Yeah Kimmy, why did you leave so early?"
He asked already knowing the truth.

Shocked by his sudden question I just blinked in response.

"Oh its really personal but you seem like a good friend being as you came to check up on her. she had diarrhea so she to leave school early son"
mom explained.

"Mom! " I yelled "I cant believe you just did that!"

"Watch your tone young lady. And there's nothing to be ashamed of. Its only nature dare. " mom said.

"Oh so do you need extra toilet paper Kimmy?" Alexander asked mock concerning.

"I'm fine thank you" I said with the most fake grin I could make.

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