chapter (19) *He's back*

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"Kim" mom said softly hovering over me.

"Yes mom" I said opening on eye.

"Sweetie if you don't get up you'll be late for school" mom said pulling the covers off me.

"I'm not going. Get me a transfer " I said then covered my face with a pillow.

"I'm not arguing with you. And I'm only speaking once" she said then left.

Sighing I got out of bed reluctantly. I showered and brushed my teeth. I tied my hair into a bun then got dressed. I fit in my colored contacts then went downstairs. I packed lunch so that I wouldn't have to enter the cafeteria.

I didn't speak much during breakfast. My mood felt blue so I didn't feel like interacting with anyone. I left after eating to catch the school bus. Following my daily routine, I stood during the entire drive. But there was something different about the ride today. No one teased me nor abused me in any way possible. Its almost like I wasn't there.

Moments after the bus came to a stop. We reached school. I waited patiently until everyone exit the bus then I did. Entering the school's doors, no one stopped to stare. No one laughed. No one payed me any mind. During class no one attempt to do anything either.

I wonder if I can have lunch in the cafeteria today?

I thought to myself. Then I decided to try it since no one was tormenting me.

Maybe the bullying stopped overnight.

I walked over to an empty table in the cafeteria and ate my lunch in perfect silence. No one gave me a second glance. A matter of fact, no one glanced at me at all. A series of mixed emotions infested my body. I was happy to be invisible because no one bullied me but I also felt alone. I sat in my corner in the cafeteria and watched everyone talk and laugh with their friends. Friends that I didn't have. My mind drift to the three but I didn't see them. They were probably somewhere being happy and not thinking of me.

I left the cafeteria before the lunch period had ended. Its been some time now that I didn't see my locker so I went to drop off some books.

I opened my locker and a single rose fell out along with a piece of paper. I picked up the paper and read the words "Tomatos  are red. One of your eyes is blue. This rose is beautiful but not as much as you".

Now most persons would smile when they read a cute poem and receive a rose. But I'm not most persons. My face scrunched up with confusion and disgust. I picked up the lone rose and threw it along with the poem in my locker. Slamming it shut, I thought of how someone could play such a rude prank on me. I know I was ugly and the least like person in the entire school. So it was surreal and cruel for someone to say I'm beautiful when clearly that's not true.

"Someone's in a bad mood. Looks like cupid forgot to shoot you with the arrow as well" a deep male voice sounded from behind me.

I jumped startled. I thought I was the only Person in the halls and invisible. I turned around to meet the owner of the voice. My heart shot up to my throat in one swift movement when I saw the person in front of me. I felt hot and cold. Sweating and trembling all at once. My eyes burned from not blinking but I couldn't blink. I couldn't move. I was frozen. Weak and alone I thought that this was it for me. He would finish me off then and there with no witnesses. Not that anyone would care even if there were witnesses. when the person spoke again, my eyes went wider with shock. His words not surfacing in my brain.

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