chapter (3) ....*perfect date*

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It was so awesome and majestic !. There we were , Humpty Dumpty and I , sitting on the great wall of Jericho. I looked out at the the beautiful scenery while Olaf and Elsa ,our servers , were serving us potato pudding, potato pie and my favorite POTATO CHIPS!!!.  I couldn't be happier or so I thought. Humpty then took out a onion ring but as he was about to ask me to be Mrs. Dumpty, he must have forgot we were on a wall because he tried to get down on one knee and fell off.

"Nooooooooooo !" I exclaimed  "you forgot to give me the onion ring!" I cried after him. I really wanted to eat that. I thought .

Then out of no where I see katy doing an evil laugh dressed as joker. My breath caught in my throat as she turned into an ocean and jumped on me. I screamed on top of my lungs, trying to get away when...

Hmpft! I fell on the floor, my eyes sprung open.  Pain spread throughout my entire body. I looked up to see katy with a bucket in her hand smiling at me.

"What was that for ! You ruined my date with humpty !" I screamed at her.

She did that same evil laugh and said "pay back moron !"  That's when I Realized what she was saying.
" revenge oh sweet revenge " she grinned at me.

"Help me get up you giant guerilla!" I groaned " I think I'm broken "

Katy laughed and helped me up. Ugh my butt hurts. In case your wondering, I fell on my butt first then fell on my back from the impact my butt went through which also hurt. I did a short booty dance to see if I broke it. Don't judge me. It hurt a little but then the pain slowly vanished.

"Hey weirdo what were you saying about me ruining your date ?" Katy asked.

"Oh nothing, dreamt I was about to marry humpty Dumpty  with an onion ring , you were an ocean and Elsa and Olaf were servers I guess" I shrugged like it was no big deal and completely normal.

Katy raised an eyebrow and looked as if trying to process the information while I went on a search for potato chips. She then either understood or let it go because she just stared at her phone while I still can't find potato chips. She then turn to me with another raised eyebrow and I answered her by saying 'potato chips'. She just nod and watched me with an amused look on her face.

Giving up my search ,I turned to her with a scowl and said "what!?"

She smiled sweetly "your late potato head" she said.

I looked at her confused while she walked out of the room. Swinging the bucket she turned and said "bye Mrs. Dumpty.

I rolled my eyes still confused as to what she's talking about and shouted back at her " see you later Godzilla"

   I rushed over to my phone on my bed to check to see if Godzilla drowned it. After seeing its dry because it was under my pillow, I switched it on. oh. MY. giant. POTATO! Its 7:22 , school starts at 7:30!. Ugh! Why didn't katy tell me. ....wait she did tell me. Oh well she should have been more clearer! 

Sighing, I rushed to the showers. I didn't feel cold because I was already soaking wet, thanks to Katy.  I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Grabbing my backpack while telling mom later, I left without no time to waste. Being as I lived 30 minutes away from school, there was no point in rushing because I'd still be late. However the long line of traffic in front of me which was moving slower than snails didn't help my situation at all. I clenched my fist in frustration ,as I tried to mentally will the traffic to disappear along with all schools of the earth and mathematics. And even with my hope which was as wide as an ocean, school and math was still here along with the turtle like moving traffic.

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