2. To Kill or Not to Kill

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My heart was still hanging in the air, forgetting to beat like it was supposed to. A breath was caught in my lungs, unable to free itself from the firm grasp. A tingling feeling started at my toes and spread all through my body, endless waves of shivers crashing onto me. My skin felt hot, oh so very hot and I started to feel extremely woozy, everything starting to lose focus. Slowly, one by one, everyone in the room became a blur, almost nonexistent.

Everyone but him.

His pools of darkness were carving a whole through my skull, my soul. Another shiver rushed through my body, but I was unable to move and it seemed like neither could he.

This was impossible yet there he was. Contradicting everything I thought I ever knew. Something far, far away seemed to be murmuring something. I frowned slightly, incapable of hearing a single thing. Then the moment stopped and I snapped back to reality where Jozie was pulling my arm.

Torn, I looked up into his concerned chocolate eyes. His mouth moved but I didn't hear what he said.


Suddenly, the soft classical music came back and so did the soft murmurs of conversations.

'' I asked if you were okay.''

No Jozie, I'm not. Something bad, very bad just happened.

I forced myself to sincerely smile at him, or at least try to seem sincere because I didn't feel put together. At all. My insides were still shaking, something in my abdomen twisting and turning. Something that I hadn't felt all night started clawing its way up again, tearing at my skin. Hunger.

'' I'm just a little overwhelmed, I guess.'' It wasn't really a lie, it was just an understatement. I was going to put my hand on his shoulder but something in the back of my mind told me that it wasn't a good idea. I couldn't bear to hurt him, not now, not ever.

So I let my hand fall back to my side, '' Anyway, we are here for you aren't we? Now, where is that little lover of yours so I can tear her a new one?''

He narrowed his eyes then rolled them as he started scanning the room again. Good, the focus wasn't on me anymore.

Focus. Focus on Jozie. Yes, we are here to make sure that nothing bad happens to him because I'm a good friend.

'' Kyle, I'm so happy you were able to make it.'' an annoying voice exclaimed, her tone sickenly sweet.


I almost gagged at the thought but refrained myself from doing so, probably a bad idea. I turned around to face a gorgeous little brunette with golden strands in her hair, vibrating in a low glow. Her skin was incredibly tanned and she was dressed in a white flowing dress with a golden hem and gold vines snaking around her arms, almost serpent-like.

'' Oh, who is this?'' her voice suddenly less excited as she turned her attention towards me, eyeing me from head to toe. An unidentified emotion flashed in her eyes while doing so, but was quickly gone, replaced by the common Prestige façade. Chin held high, shoulders square and a stern look on her face. She wrapped an arm around Jozie's hips and lightly laid her head on his arm.

I was going to answer but Jozie was faster than me this time when he said, '' This is Dev.''

Her face fell slightly but she quickly covered it up, '' Oh, that girl you went to college with?''

Well at least she had heard of me.

'' The one and only.'' he replied with a chuckle that faded quickly when she snapped her head towards him.

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