15. Cold Feet

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Staggering left and right, I tried my best to walk up the few balcony stairs to the door. I lifted my foot to step on the last one when I got hit with a bad case of vertigo. The contents of my stomach threatened to spill as my head kept spinning faster and faster. My foot slipped and I fell straight on my ass. Ouch!

Okay, maybe I was a little drunk.

It was way past noon now, the sun dipping down in the sky, irritating my sensible eyes. Urgh, stupid sun, why did it have to be so bright and jolly at such an ungodly hour?

Wiping my hands on my black pants, I tried pushing myself upwards only to find myself spinning violently. I grabbed the wooden railing and leaned my head against it, hoping it would ground myself. It helped a little but not enough to stop the spinning. I kept going round and round and round. I swallowed down my rising breakfast, mainly consisting beer, and concentrated on my breathing.

'' Someone's home.''

I opened one eye to look up at the imposing figure that was Jozie. A few strands of his tousled hair fell over his forehead, not low enough to hide those piercing chocolate eyes filled with disapproval.

'' Tada!'' I slurred, giving him a big fat toothy smile.

He shook his head with a sigh but lent me a hand to pull myself up. As soon as I did, another wave of nausea coursed through me. I grabbed onto Jozie like he was my life support, hoping that he would somehow stop the spinning.

'' Jeez, how drunk are you?'' he sighed irritatingly.

'' Very.'' I mumbled into his chest, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. I took a deep breath and his familiar calming scent filled my nose. He always smelled like chamomile and really old books.

He was just so familiar. He had never left my side once. Even through the really bad times, he had always been there for me. He wasn't secretly engaged to a bitch. He wasn't a part of the family that ruined mine. He didn't have a secret adorable daughter.

We staggered inside the house, Jozie barely able to hold onto my weight pressed against his right side. He had to hold himself against the opposing wall for balance.

'' Thank you for never lying to me, for never leaving my side.'' I mumbled, the words flying out of my mouth barely audible. I had no indication if he had heard me but he did hold on to me a little tighter.

'' We need to get you in the shower.'' He simply answered, stirring me towards the bathroom.

'' No, I need to go to bed. Or maybe drink a little more so I can pass out.'' I protested.

Jozie sat a very limp me down on the toilet while he toyed with the shower knobs. '' No more drinking for you tonight. We need to get you sobered up.''

'' Whyyyy?'' I cried out, my bottom lip pouting.

'' Because we have somewhere to be tonight.'' He vaguely answered. My mind was too hazy to register what he was saying.

I laid my head on the cold counter beside me, '' Pleeeeease, I just want to drink 'til I forget.''

'' No.'' the sound of water rushing filled the tiny bathroom.

Jozie grabbed my left combat boot and proceeded to untying both my boots. I simply sat there, my head on the counter, letting him do whatever he wanted to do with me. I had zero strength to fight him off. When it came to taking my shirt off, he pulled me up straight so he could take it over my head. My only answer was an irritated groan.

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