12. Coo-Coo Clock

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A few moments passed, the Guards were far away by now but we still stayed in the same position. I was firmly pressed against his chest, his arm around my waist keeping me in place to him.

He kept his cheek pressed against my temple, breathing softly in my ear. His intoxicating and sweet scent drove me nuts, the softness of his skin giving me shivers of pleasure. I was numb in his arms, incapable of leaving. I even forgot what I was doing here in the first place.

All I knew was that I so didn't want to leave his warmth.

'' Why do you smell so good...?'' he whispered. Had he not been next to my ear, I wouldn't have been able to hear it.

'' Mate bond.'' I answered, my voice muffled by his linen shirt.

'' Why can't I let go?''

'' Mate bond.'' I repeated, my legs turning into warm goo every time he spoke. The more he spoke, the deeper and huskier his voice sounded.

His teeth grazed my cheek until it was nibbling my ear lobe. This time, my knees gave up on me, the only thing holding me up was his strong arm. '' I don't think it's the mate bond's fault that I find you so damn irresistible.''


I closed my eyes and forced on shutting everything out. It took all of my might, both physically and mentally, to raise my hands and push him away from me. I wanted to throw him against the wall but I was unable to. The furthest I could push him was a mere foot. My palms remained stuck to his chest, though.

'' You underestimate its power and influence.'' I forced the words out of my mouth, keeping my eyes closed. It was pitch black but, for some reason, keeping my eyes closed helped regain my strength.

'' I don't think I am.'' His voice was obviously disappointed, he probably hated the distance as much as I did right now.

Taking a deep breath, I gave him another small push so that we were at arm's length. The further he was from me, the clearer my mind was becoming. I had to get my head straight so things wouldn't go as far as last time. He was engaged. Engaged! What was I doing?

'' What? Do you think you're a master about the mate bond now? Up to a few minutes ago, you had no idea what it meant. Trust me when I say that it's best for both of us if we stay out of each other's way.'' I took a step away from him, my heart twisting and turning. Everything in me was drawn to him, trying to force me back in his arms but I held my ground.

A breeze of cold air hit me in the face, cooling my blazing skin. That help me focus.

'' I may not know much about that, but I do know a whole lot about logic. It's illogical that something just creates itself out of thin air. There had to be something there to begin with.'' He persisted as he took another step towards me.

I matched his step but backwards, and I threw another one in there.

'' There's no logic when it comes to something like this. There is none, stop trying to find it.'' I turned my heels and walked away from him, my steps echoing through the hall. I had no idea where I was going, all I knew was that I had to get away from him before I did something I will regret. Again.

'' You're running away, again.'' His steps sounded at the same time as mine, but he kept a small distance between us.

'' I'm not running, I'm walking. There's a difference, dimwit.'' I snorted.

'' Dimwit? Did you just call me dimwit?'' he laughed, the sound making me shiver. '' What's that even supposed to mean?''

'' Do you prefer stupid, dumb, brainless, imbecile, idiot, moron-...''

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