26. Possibly The Longest Night In History

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They hadn't let up, still viciously attacking the door but they were careful not to let any limbs get through the expending holes in the metal. Their strategy protected them from my burning blade but it slowed down their progression, something I was grateful for.


Cas attached his shirt around his wounds, creating an extra layer over the soaked bandages. He had gained a bit of color ever since, but his heart rate was plummeting fast. I wanted to help but I didn't know how I possible could.

My vision was darkening, the edges of things losing its focus. My lips were completely dry while cold sweat pearled against my pale skin. I wasn't doing much better and I knew Cas had noticed. He often shifted his eyes towards me. Neither one of us made a move to help the other because we knew that if one of us let up, the door would surely crumble down.

I was physically much stronger than Cas, having been raised in an environment where it was kill or be killed. But I had to admit, he was much faster than I was both physically and mentally. He quickly adapted to each strike, easily predicting where the next hit would be and getting out of way right before it came.


The claws had penetrated the metal behind me, lacerating my back. The Hellhounds seemed to cackle from my howl of pain as their claws burned my flesh to a crisp. Cas's head snapped towards me, his tired eyes scanning me over.

'' What happened? Are you okay?''

I grunted, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming some more. As if my body hadn't been shaking enough, my whole nervous system fired up as their magic touched my spine.

'' I'll be fine.'' I spat through my teeth, '' I want at least one of those fuckers dead by morning.''


One of the Hellhounds pierced a hole large enough to fit its massive body into. It jumped through the hole, tumbling in the safehouse in a flurry of smoke and fire. I scrambled for my sword but not quickly enough. It lunged at me, making me fall back harshly against the ground.

My lacerated back fired up again, the pain wrapping around my ribs in a fiery grasp. I winced and the blade slipped from my hands. The beast's scorching breath sizzled against my skin as he brought his face down to my chest, aiming for my heart. I forced my body to shift, but not quickly enough, so his sharp teeth sank in my left shoulder, crushing my bones.

The Hellhound and I howled in pain simultaneously, his teeth relieving their pressure on my shoulder. I fumbled around, searching for my blade while it was distracted. It whimpered again, its body jerking back, just enough for me to land a massive hit to its stomach with my knee. I quickly followed with a strong kick that sent it flying across the room.

An arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground. My whole body was on fire, its burning saliva coursing through my veins, scorching everything in its path.

Another Hellhound was trying to wiggle its way through the newly made hole in the door, the third one waiting behind impatiently. We had no time to take a breath, we had to figure out a way to stop their progression and fast.

Pushing myself off difficultly from Castiël, I grabbed the small vile of smoke-like liquid from the floor. It was mostly empty now, there was only enough for one more use. I uncapped the vile and threw the content at the muzzle poking through the hole. The liquid hissed against its fur and the beast let out a terrible screech as the liquid burned the flesh away.

The dark magic of the contents of the vile created a web-like pattern in that particular hole, preventing anything from both coming in and going out.

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