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I don't know how to call this chapter. Place your suggestions!


I discreetly glanced at him as he drove, trying to understand this guy. He wasn't smiling any more, which was a relief, but he still wore that gleam in his eyes. His dark, enticing-...

Okay, nope that's enough! I snapped my eyes back to the road in front of us. Focus. Trying to find something to ease my mind, I tugged on the hem of the oversized shirt I was wearing.

His gaze burned trails of heat over my skin every other minute, like he was keeping tabs on me. He'd only check for a few moments before returning his concentration to the road. Sometimes I didn't notice, too busy watching the sun rise on the horizon.

The closer to the hospital we were, the longer the ride became. The speed of my heart increased every few miles, my nerves all over the place. Cas had never said to what extent he had been hurt. From what I remembered before blacking out, it couldn't have been good.

Just the thought of him lying there, his limbs in odd angles but especially how jagged his spine had been, caused me to clench my fists.

'' You might want to wear this.'' I snapped out of my haze, realizing that the car had finally stopped.

I turned my head towards Castiël who was holding up what looked like a beanie.

'' What, why?'' Why would I want to wear his hat? I wasn't his girlfriend. Geez, it wasn't because he saw me naked and kind of save my life that I was...-

'' Your hair is covered in blood. I think it's kind of sexy, but I don't know about the other people working here.'' He cut my mind rant.

I took a handful of my hair and looked down on them. He was right. Since my hair was a light gray, the dried-up blood was obvious. But a beanie, really? How cheesy was that?

'' Look, I know that you don't like this. But do we really have another option?''

I looked around his car, there wasn't much. I refused to wear beanies. They may look nice on Jared Padalecki and Taylor Swift but with my face shape, I looked like a fat dork. So, hell no. Then, I saw it. It was tucked away on the ground, in the shadows. I reached out, feeling the hem of my shirt rise a few inches, and grabbed the cap.

Castiël tensed up beside me which made me grin evilly. Earlier tonight, I was in his bed, weakened to the core and he hadn't made a single move. But now, suddenly, he's turned on? This dude was weird. But, I was finally gaining an edge on him. So, I lingered a little longer than necessary, making sure that the shirt was showing just enough.

I finally sat back down, quickly put my hair in a messy braid, and put the cap on. It was a black New England Patriots ball cap and it fit me perfectly. I tucked the remaining of my braid inside and flashed Castiël a very fake bright smile. The look on his face was hilarious. It was a mix of confusion and amusement but his eyes only radiated concern.

'' This is much more my style.'' I winked at him before stepping out of the car.

Okay, I had to admit. He wasn't as bad as I had thought a few days ago. But when I stepped out of the car and into the cold morning again, all flirty, easy going vibe I had going on vanished. The only thing filling my mind were images of Jozie.

Without looking back, I walked in the hospital and used my senses to locate him. The hospital wasn't very busy at such an early hour which was perfect, I didn't want to get distracted.

The only reason the main floor hadn't been busy was because the whole hospital was flooded with patients. All hands were on deck, shuffling past us as we tried to make our way to Jozie's room.

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