17. Where's The Rat Poison?

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My heart skipped multiple beats. The lady stepped off the stage only to be replaced by a middle-aged man, deep chestnut curls framing his face and cold red eyes. His eyes swept across the room and smirked with annoyance once they landed on me. I felt the colors drain from my face as he faintly winked at me before approaching the podium.

What in all Heaven's name was he doing here?

'' Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honor to be up here tonight and an honor to be leading such an important case.'' His suave exotic voice filled the silence of the room, his voice elegant and powerful.

'' I would like to thank the lovely Amory family for letting me be a part of this case and I promise that I will not fail you.''

Cas cursed under his breath but it was intelligible to me. My ears were buzzing from the lack of blood in my head.

''I also come bearing very unfortunate news. There has been rumors that the Last Wolf is back in town and I am affirming those rumors.'' Gasps filled the room once again, a cloud of heavy tension lingering over the ballroom.

That fucking asshole. He was going to rat me out? Like for real? I've said it once and I'll say it again, STUPID STUPID VAMPIRES. My heart still wasn't beating which caused a painful pressure on my chest. I was breathing too quickly, my lungs contracting harshly. I tried opening my mouth to breath but nothing came in or out. I was stuck.

A warm tingling hand wrapped itself around mine, squeezing in reassurance. The warmth and the tingles travelled up my arm and alleviated the pressure in my chest.

'' I strongly believe that it was, in fact, the Last Wolf that stole from the dear Kingsley family. I know, I know, it might sound farfetched but I have reasons to believe it is true.''

What stupidities and lies was he going to come up with now?

'' There is a reason why we have not been able to catch the Last Wolf for the past centuries. It always seemed to be much stronger and faster than the others and it isn't a coincidence. Reliable sources have informed me that it had been using highly illegal drugs to enhance its capabilities.''

My hand involuntarily squeezed harder, my fist clenching together. He was going to bring me down using the truth... that fucking asshole!

'' The drugs, however, made it highly dangerous and unpredictable. We aren't just dealing with a regular Wolf, but a drug addict that will do anything in its power to get its next fix.''

Recovering drug addict, Dante. Okay, so he was ratting me out using a very twisted truth. I looked around, searching for an exit but came up short. Our table was very far from the double doors we had initially come through and this place seemed to hate oxygen because they HAD NO WINDOWS. Who builds a fucking room without windows.

I started panicking again, realizing how trapped and vulnerable I was. This time I wasn't hyperventilating, I was hypoventilating, if that was even a word. The air got sucked out of my lungs, collapsing upon themselves.

He looked me straight in the eye, an evil glint twinkling in his, as he said the next part, '' She's in town for one thing and one thing only. She wants revenge. She thirsts to see Prestige blood spill and she won't stop until she has shattered all of you. Prestiges, I oath to you that I will protect you and, blood by blood, I will bring that monster to its knees and sent her to her rightful place: Hell!''

Her. She. He used feminine pronouns.

The crowd clapped as Dante flashed his most impressive smile, his lips barely covering his fangs. No one dared speak, they simply looked towards the empty stage with fear distorting their little façade. Dante swiftly got down from the stage and sauntered his way towards us.

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