36. Unfavorable Trials

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There were no words to describe my current mood. Anger. Hatred. Fury. The blood in my veins boiled as I watched her sitting on her stupid throne and her stupid crown. Who wore a crown these days, huh? Stupid people, that's who.

'' Do you have any last words before we start the trial, mutt?'' she asked glowing.

She wasn't smiling, probably too scared her porcelain skin would crack if she did so. Her eyes, though, were sparkling.

'' Kiss my ass, bitch.'' I spat at her.

The Guard behind me grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back viciously.

'' Care for your language towards our High Empress, beast.'' He scowled in my ear.

'' Your father said those very same last words. Didn't end very well for him.'' Miranda almost smiled.

I growled rather loudly, remember that night very clearly. That only seemed to satisfy her even more. She shifted in her seat, resting her forearms on the arm rests of her throne.

'' It's funny to think about. After all these years, you still ended up at your knees in front of me, at your rightful place.''

'' No offense but I don't really swing that way. You'd need to give me a bit more whiskey.'' That earned me another hair pull from the Guard, but I swore I heard Dante chuckle behind me.

'' To say that your family ruled for so long with such a filthy mouth...'' Miranda took a deep breath shaking her head. '' Now, I have waited long enough. Let's get on with this trial.''

Cas's breathing faltered, but his heart was still beating rapidly. I felt his mind bumping against the wall I had put up in his brain, trying to tear it down to no avail. I knew he wanted to intervene, I knew he wanted to help me but what could he possibly do? I was guilty. As in, extremely guilty. Plus, his mother wanted me dead as an early Christmas gift apparently.

'' Alyeska Draygovich have you committed a murder?'' she questioned point blank.

'' A few.'' I shrugged hearing Dante chuckle once again.

'' Is there something funny Officer Dante?'' Miranda frowned.

'' No, of course not High Empress. Excuse my rudeness.'' He dismissed, walking around me so he stood with the rows of Guards protecting her.

Alex trailed behind him, a joyful smile floating on his lips. He was clearly thrilled to be here. He stood next to Dante, both of them flashing their blood red eyes at me tauntingly.

I can't wait to see you dismantled. He whispered in my mind.

Right back at you, jackass. I snarled, rolling my eyes as loudly as possible.

Why was he here anyway? He could only be here if someone of power allowed him to be or else he would still be chained in Hell. Did Dante really have enough power to cross over a Hellhound? Let alone 3?

'' Alright then. I hence by declare the death penalty-...'' she started but I quickly cut her off.

'' Wait, that's it? That's my trial? One teeny tiny question and bam I lose my limbs?'' I scoffed truly offended.

Miranda raised her chin, '' You admitted to murdering Bethany Kingsley therefore we don't need a longer trial. Does everyone here agree?''

An approving hum radiated in the room, the heads of all the family glaring at me like they wanted me to burn. Which I will in only a few moments, lucky them.

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