27. Guilty

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HEY! So my Wattpad decided to lag and put half of this chapter in italics??? I don't know what to do so umm... i left it like that because I suck at technology. Sorry, hope you still love me.



I swerved endlessly in a world of pure bliss before crashing down to reality. My mind awoke, but I refused to open my eyes to bask in a few more moments of comfort and wonderful sunshine. My entire body coursed with tingles and spark, Cas and I tangled in each other. During our sleep, he had wrapped his arm around me and brought me to rest on his ribs, below his stitches.

My hard pillow was still falling and rising at a constant pace, still deep in sleep. I didn't blame him, they must've given him a pretty strong dose of anesthesia to stitch all his wounds. But how deep was he actually sleeping?

I shifted my leg- that was firmly wrapped around his- so his hip bone was lodged in my pelvis. I brought him closer to me and rolled my hips in circles. I repeated the motion until I felt a low rumble beneath my ear. I didn't make much of it until the rumble reached his throat in a low, menacing growl.

The hairs on the small of my back rose, my body shivering uncontrollably at the sound. Not by fear. It was far from fear.

I stretched the leg around him, '' Someone's awake.''

'' Stop that.'' He growled, his voice still heavy with sleep, managing to make his voice only more irresistible.

'' Stop what? I'm not doing anything.'' I grinned, keeping my eyes firmly close.

My shoulder throbbed in pain, my lacerated back barely healing and my entire system on fire but I remained still. I let myself enjoy this little moment of freedom where neither one of us was chased by a monster of some sort even if every inch of my body hurt. I simply laid there, his warmth seeping through my skin, his warm breath rolling against my skin.

'' You know exactly what you're doing.'' He groaned, trying to untangle himself from me only to stifle another groan, but of pain this time.

'' We're in a single bed, where do you think you're going?'' I chuckled, holding onto him in an iron grasp.

I had no idea why I was acting this childish, it wasn't really like me but this state of blissfulness was playing with my brain. However, I froze when someone cleared their throat rather impatiently.

Both Cas and I stopped moving, our eyes snapping open. I raised my head, squinting as I did so from the sudden brightness of the room. In the middle of the sunshine stood a figure with arms crossed over its chest, shoulders incredibly tense.

I squinted my eyes further until her stunning, piercing blue eyes iced me. My pupils adjusted to the light and I was finally able to watch her in all her glory.


She watched us with pursed lips and a twitching cheek, her tight brown chignon the only thing sorted about her.

I slowly unwrapped my limps from Cas's body, '' Well, that's my cue to leave.''

'' What's this all about?'' she questioned, the ice in her tone matching her eyes.

I swung my legs to the side of the bed, leaving the soothing warmth of both Cas and the bed. My whole body taunted me, pulled me back to Cas but I fought it off. Unfortunately, it seemed to be much harder than most days, as in incredibly harder. I had to grip the bed to stop myself to go back and tell Sabine to fuck off.

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