
95 7 32

Unknown POV

The putrid smell of death and cigarette lingered everywhere. Drunken bodies were lying at every street corner, girls yearning for love and drug dealers desperate for money tried to make their business.

I tucked my hood over my face, making sure I was protected from wandering eyes. The chances of someone recognizing me was very minimal but I couldn't be cautious enough. This wasn't the kind of place I wanted to be recognized in. It would tamper with my image, something I cared very deeply for.

Tightness left my shoulders as I approached the biker bar and people became scarce. I knew what was waiting for me in there. Every time I set foot in there increased my risk of exposure, but I just had to. She had warned me not to come anymore but I simply couldn't stay away. I had to know.

Once I reached the heavy metal door, a tall man stepped out of the shadows to greet me with a frightening look. I forced myself to square my shoulders, trying to hide the fact that his blood red eyes made my heart skip a beat.

I had been amongst these people for a little while now and I still couldn't get over the feeling of uneasiness that came with their presence. It was easier with Creatures such as vampires, they had an easier time hiding that side of themselves. But I was in the heart of their nest. And one of the worst ones was behind that heavy door.

'' She doesn't want to see you.'' His voice slithered out.

A shiver ran through me as he analyzed me. I tightened the coat wrapped around me like it could protect me. The simple movement caused me to wince, an intense pain throbbing in my chest.

'' Please. I don't mind paying extra. I just need a couple minutes.'' My voice faltered as I tried my best not to beg.

He shook his head, the shadows ruffling around him like obsidian feathers. '' She doesn't want any of your money, Prestige.''

'' Please. I have to know.'' My hands were shaking now as the possibility of not knowing appeared.

He suddenly became very still, his blazing red eyes seeing past me. Then the shadow feathers ruffled, and he sighed.

'' You have five minutes. Make it short.'' His long arm snaked around the darkness and opened the heavy door.

Hard rock music and a heavy beer scent escaped with the tiny sliver of light. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and stepped inside, hating how the doorman's gaze seemed to linger on my back.

The bar wasn't very big or crowded but it didn't have to in order to be intimidating. I kept my eyes down, making sure I didn't anger things I couldn't fend off. The smart thing would have been to bring back up. But then my secret would be revealed.

I looked up only once I knew I had made my way to the pool table where she usually was. I raised my glance to see her calculate a shot, a small Cuban cigar on the corner of her mouth.

'' What do you want Miranda?'' she spoke through a cloud of smoke, her eyes still focused on the game.

Leaning against the nearest wall was an extremely tall and buff man twirling his cue. He didn't acknowledge my presence, his attention focused on his wooden stick. His skin was so dark, it was hard to differentiate him from the shadows. What stood out were the thin white lines swirling around his face, decorating his sharp face with complex symbols.

I gulped, remembering what had happened the last time I had been near one of his kind. My hand instinctively went up to my chest, covering the bandages that shouldn't have been.

'' I killed her.'' I announced, forcing my eyes to focus back on the woman playing pool.

Her long ebony hair curled around her body in tendrils of smoke. They moved around her almost live-like but what was the most captivating were her eyes. Her eyes appeared as though they were two golden drops of sunshine. A complete contrast with her soul. If she even had one, that is.

'' I would watch your thoughts around me, mortal.'' She reprimanded, landing her shot.

The table shook around as the game placed itself the way she liked, sinking one of the many colorful balls. Quickly, I shut down my immediate train of thought.

'' I finally killer her. What you envisioned was wrong.'' I persisted, watching my tone the best I could.

'' Was it now?'' she leaned against her cue, taking a long drag from her cigar. '' What had I said again? I see so many things, it's hard to keep track.''

'' You said that the Last Wolf would cause my demise. My people are still very well alive, so am I while she is dead. Your vision was wrong.''

'' Mm...'' she hummed. '' She is dead, I would like to thank you very much for that. Suzanna is very pleased, for now. You are only alive thanks to us. Without it, you would be a pile of broken limbs. And your people are mostly unscathed. All that is very true. But you have to stop treating this like it's a prophecy because there is something you had wrong.''

I huffed, getting offended at her words. For a moment, I forgot where I stood.

'' What could that be?''

The dark-skinned man chuckled, a deep rumble vibrating through his chest.

A small twinkle illuminated her eyes, but her face remained impassive, '' You killed the wrong Wolf, Miranda.''

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