13. Rational Thoughts

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Taking a deep breath, I slowly turned around to face a fuming-looking Jozie. His tuxedo was impeccable, the silk clinging to his lean figure, except for his bowtie that was undone. His usual messy chestnut hair was even messier tonight, like he had raked his hands through it multiple times.

To his right, clinging to his arm like her life depended on it, was Bethany hugged by a beautiful baby blue dress. Her golden-streaked hair hung loosely around her body, her locks reaching her waist.

To his left, ah hell nah! The bitchy French Prestige glared at me before switching her icy gaze to tear through Castiël who was still standing behind me. Um, bitch keep your eyes to yourself!

I shook my head, what was I thinking? She was his fiancé, why was I feeling so possessive all of a sudden?

'' Where have you been? I've been worried sick for you! You told me you'd be home but when I came, you weren't there. I waited for you to come home, yet you never came. You could've been dead for all I knew.'' Jozie rambled, raking a hand in his hair.

'' I've just been gone two nights Jozie, I'm fine. I just thought that maybe you wanted the house to yourself for one night, so I made myself scarce and crashed somewhere else. It's no biggie, hun.'' I lied, making my voice as genuine as possible.

'' Alright, then why are you with Castiël?'' Sabine cut in with her annoying ass accent, crossing her arms over her cream dress.

Before waiting for him to answer, I snapped my head towards her, '' We crossed paths in the street, he walked me home.''

Instead of looking at me, she glared at him, '' Why did you leave the party?''

'' He needed a breath of fresh air.'' I answered instead of him, my stance now matching hers.

Her eyes met mine. I resisted the urge to dodge as she threw daggers at me. '' Oh yeah, and how would you know that?''

'' He told me.''

'' Is that right?''

'' Yep.''

She laughed coldly, '' Now, why would he talk to a poor slutty bitch like you, huh?''

'' Excuse me!?'' I growled at her. It was getting harder and harder to hold in my canines. Oh, how I wanted to tear that pearly little neck of hers. Scratch her eyes out. Shave her hair off. Grab a shovel and burry her six feet under, still breathing. You know, rational thoughts.

It was Bethany who put a hand on Sabine's arm after detangling herself from Jozie. '' Sab, come on.''

'' No! Who does this bitch think she is?'' she shrieked.

Another deathly growl escaped my lips, '' Oh, it's on.'' Before I could lung myself at her, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I tried fighting him off but he only tightened his grip, grabbing the back of my leather jacket.

'' Calm down.'' He growled in my ear, the vibration in his voice creating a warm feeling in my chest.

Who the fuck was he to tell me what to do?

Urgh! I tried shoving him off me but he only held onto me harder, his arm a steel band around my waist. His near presence, his intoxicating scent and the feeling of his arm around me calmed me down instantly. Why did he have to be so strong?

Sabine narrowed her eyes at our position, a scowl growing on her face. My feral instincts kicking in as I felt myself gloat. That's right bitch, he's touching me, not you!

Oh, woah okay Dev, that's enough. Get a grip.

My eyes zeroed in on the sterling silver ring sparkling on her finger, forcing myself to remember that I was stepping on claimed grounds. He may be my mate, but she had claimed him first. I had to respect that, even if I didn't want to. Even if every single instinct in my body wanted to keep him for myself.

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