35. The Nearing End

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I was barely conscious throughout the whole process, fighting against the overwhelming darkness creeping over my mind. Our kiss was burning me, the tingles raising the hair over my body and traveling to my toes. An irrepressible shudder coursed through me as my body refused to let go.

Then it was over. My back hit the wall harshly as I was pushed away from the bars. The side of my neck throbbed, shooting blinding pain to my skull but it wasn't what hurt the most. Those cool silver eyes were.

They were usually twinkling with a wicked gleam, constantly shining even after whatever had happened to her. But that twinkle was gone, and I watched as the sadness in her moonlight eyes wash away, replaced by cold, hard steel.

She took a few steps away from the bars and squared her shoulders, a hard look carving her perfect features. The shadows of the dungeons accentuated the small scars crisscrossing her face making her appear as dangerous and lethal as I knew her to be.

Only a few moments ago had she been openly vulnerable with me, that unbreakable door guarding her emotions wide open. But now it was like that moment never happened, she looked at me like I was a stranger to her. Even though I knew that it was all an act, it still struck me.

How I wanted to bust through those bars and whisk her away from here but no matter how hard I fought, my body refused to answer. I kept hitting a wall in my mind that prevented me from doing so and I knew that it was her doing.

I understood zero of the whole Alpha/ Wolf/ mate thing seeing as she never took the time to actually explain it to me. It simply happened all too suddenly. One moment I was ready to follow whatever order my mother gave to me and the next I was defying everything I knew just to save this tiny warrior woman.

My warrior woman.

The footsteps were fast approaching, each time one foot hit the ground, my heart skipped a beat. I knew very well what was going to happen next, having been the one to implement the new death row system and there wasn't a god forsaken thing I could do.

Behind them rattled heavy chains, dragging on the ground and echoing throughout the dungeon threatening. Dev's shoulders shuddered slightly an imperceptible movement to the unknowing eye, but I knew her.

I knew that behind that steel mask boiled rage like none other but also a bucket load of pride. She wasn't going to give my comrades the honor of hearing her scream or plead for mercy even if they gave her hell because she had been through it already.

I straightened myself, dusting the debris off my shoulders my mind running wild. I had to figure out a way to get her out of here and fast. I needed to break whatever spell she put me under that prevented me from interfering.

She was strong, very strong, but I had to be stronger. She was the one that had taught me that. No matter the situation, no matter what you were risking, you had to push through. That right there was the thing I admired most about her, her drive, her incredible, adamant strength. Yes, she had many flaws. Yes, she swam in liters of alcohol and god knows what else. But everything she put herself through had only one goal: survive.

And god how I was falling for her.

Travish, one of the commanders, frowned as he approached our location, giving me a quick head to toe.

'' General, what are you doing down here? I thought you were healing?'' he questioned, the rest of the Guards pooling around him.

Before I could try to answer, her rough chuckle echoed around us. The simple sound of it sent a wave of shivers down my spine. Dev slowly took a few steps to the bars, rolling her hips in perfect circles as she did so.

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