34. Let Me Be The Hero

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Three out of the four men smirked at me with twinkles in their eyes, all impatiently awaiting to see me in cuffs. The Guard stepped around the gloating men, taking said cuffs out of his belt. I attempted to take a step back, but Dante stopped me.

'' Ah ah ah, I wouldn't go doing that, if I were you. You don't want anything bad happening to your pretty boy toy, now would you?'' he drawled, licking his fangs as in to emphasize his point.

I peeked over my shoulder to see an almost-passed out Cas, struggling to stay awake. The side of his neck had closed but it was still blood red and it would always remain that way. A mate's mark doesn't just heal away, it's a permanent brand that is meant to show dominance.

I had to admit that even if I managed to get myself out of this sticky situation, Cas wouldn't make it out alive. Had he been awake and kicking perhaps, since we seemed to make a pretty good fighting team. And leaving him behind was out of the question, so there was only one way to go at this and it was to...


The unpronounced word burned my tongue, sticking to it like a nasty, sour taste. Only a few weeks ago, the idea of submitting would've made me laugh. In what world would I ever do that? Unfortunately, it happened to be this one.

The Guard faltered when he saw his General sprawled on the couch, the material ruined with the amount of blood he had loss. Determination filled his step as he understood what he had to do.

'' Alyeska Draygovich, the Eight Houses arrest you for the murder of B-level Prestige Bethany Kingsley, for the murder of three Guards of the Houses and for the attempt of murder of S-level Prestige and General, Castiël M. Amory. Multiple other transgressions have been made such as being a part of one of the Forbidden Species. All violations will be judged in fair trial in front of the Eight Houses.''

He grabbed my arm and turned me around harshly, linking both my wrists together. All my instincts were telling me to fight, telling me to rip that stupid ass Guard's head off and play rugby with it. My muscles tightened as the cold silver metal touched my skin and I had to bite my lips to prevent a whimper to escape.

S-level Prestige? Why don't I just go and mate with the High Empress, while I'm at it? First, he was a member of the Main House, the ones that held the current ''crown'', then he was their fucking general and to end with a direct relation to the leader of the House.

Royalty was too human, they called it and used the words S-level instead, but also High Empress instead of Queen. All in all, it meant the same thing. What was next? Was he the next in line to be the High Emperor, jeez.

'' You're not even going to fight? Poor little Alyeska is admitting defeat.'' Alex taunted behind me, clearly disappointed that he wouldn't have to fight me.

'' Why is this so easy?'' the other Hellhound whispered in Alex's ear, the one missing a hand thanks to me.

'' 'cause she's dumb as rock, how the hell would I know?'' Alex replied back through his teeth.

I didn't dignify that with a response. I knew why I was doing this, they didn't have to know. But as the Guard shoved me towards the door, I caught a glimpse of Dante's changed face. Wrong, his face was still gloating but something was different in his eyes, something I couldn't put my finger on.

The guys were proud of catching me, that was obvious. But he seemed... relieved, maybe? I shook my head, it was probably just a figment of my imagination but I could've sworn...

That idea vanished from my mind as something pricked the back of my neck, sending me plummeting in darkness.


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