7. Snowflake

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'' Turn around!'' he ordered once more, growing impatient.

I slowly raised my bloodied hands in the air in submission and turned around, eyes glued to the ground.

'' State the reason you aren't indoors after curfew.'' He took a step forward, hand gripping the taser on the left side of his hip.

I fought everything in me to stop myself from taking a step back. Guards usually patrolled in teams, what was he doing all by himself? As much as I wanted to strike, I had to be smart about this.

'' Speak, now! Resisting interrogation is a crime and will be severely punished.'' He added, taking another step forward.

'' What isn't a crime in this town?'' I muttered under my breath before I could stop myself.

'' Excuse me?'' he spat through his teeth, I was clearly angering him. '' Are you disrespecting a Guard of the Law?''

My eyes rolled on their own. What was it with the ego in this town? If this town was a sin, it would most definitely be Pride. It wasn't because you were allowed to walk around with a taser and handcuffs that you could put yourself above all others.

Soon, I got knocked back, my forehead hitting a brick wall violently. It only appeared to me then that I had said those things out loud. The Guard grabbed both my arms and held my wrists firmly behind my back. The force of the hit made my head spin at blinding speeds, the venom still affecting my senses.

'' Who do you think you are to say those things?'' he hissed in my ear, the strong grip of his hands increasing.

Just as I was feeling the chilling metal of the cuffs wrapping around my wrists, a voice resonated in the night.

'' That's enough, Guard.''

He froze behind me, his entire body hardening at the sound of the voice. Thing was, I also froze at the sound, recognizing the deep and rough voice almost immediately.

Oh no.

'' I'll take care of things here now. You can resume your patrol.'' The sound of his steps echoed, splashing when hitting the damp ground.

'' Are you su-...'' the Guard started, his voice faltering. Hearing him sound so scared and unsure made my pulse quicken. There wasn't a lot of things or people that could scare a Guard. But this man sure seemed like he was making the Guard feel small in his shorts.

'' Yes. Now.'' The man ordered, his tone stern and direct.

The Guard quickly let go of me, releasing my arms from the prison that was his grip. I had to take a step backwards to prevent myself from falling which made my head hurt again.

So, what was going to happen now? I knew what the Guard would've done to me, but him? I had no idea. I had a tendency of staying far away from Amory members, call it self-preservation or simple common sense, if you will.

Only when the Guard had stepped out of the alley and into the stillness of the night did I speak up.

'' What do you want?''

'' Uh, you're welcome?'' he asked, almost annoyed.

I snapped my head towards him to see him leaning lazily against the wall of the opposing building. His eyebrow was high in the air and he bore a questioning look.

'' I had it under control.'' I shot back, crossing my arms over my chest.

He chuckled and shook his head, '' Sorry snowflake but you didn't seem to have much control.''

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