25. Oh Sun, Where Are You Dear?

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I was frozen, watching his frown deepen at each passing moment. My heart leapt in the air, unknowing what to do or think. Was there something I could say? I could always lie, but how? It was exactly like it looked, extremely bad.

He licked his lips before turning the paper over, '' Dev, why do you have the blueprints of the Kingsley manor?''

'' Uh...'' only sounds escaped my mouth, what was there to say?

He crouched down with a wince and picked another scroll and another, opening them up one by one. He went through them quite vigorously while I simply stood there, holding my breath. What was he going to do? How was he going to react to all of this?

He stopped at one particular scroll and I didn't have to look to know exactly which one. '' Why do you have the blueprints of every manor?'' His voice was strained. He looked up at me unsteadily, a new type of pain and confusion laced in his enticing eyes.

'' Dev, talk to me!'' he almost ordered, his voice much louder and demanding. He got back up, taking a step towards me, one that I matched backwards.

He seemed to notice my movement and stopped in his tracks, looking down at me intensely.

I cleared my throat, '' What do you want me to say, Cas?''

'' Tell me that what Dante said about you wasn't true.'' His jaw tightened as he gulped.

My shoulders slumped and I forcefully tore my gaze away from his, but didn't say a word. I only pressed my lips firmly together.

'' Tell me he was lying. Tell me that he was just saying this to set you up.'' He grabbed my chin and turned it towards him, forcing me to look at him. '' Look at me and tell me it was a lie.''

The sparks that his touch caused deepened the pit that was forming in my stomach. They weren't inviting and soft, they were demanding and harsh, much like his eyes were.

'' Please.'' He begged, his voice faltering as he eyes scanned mine, looking for something that wasn't there.

"I can't...'' I choked out, my throat suddenly dry. I absentmindedly scratched my left arm, the sudden itch overwhelming my cutaneous senses.

His hand fell from my chin and he took a heavy step back, his chest caving in like he had been shot. "So, you are here for revenge. You want to murder my people." His voice barely a whisper.

A loud crashing sound came from a few blocks down the safe house and it was enough to spur me into action. The Hellhounds were gaining terrain on us, we had to act quickly if we didn't want to be lunch meat.

Tightening my grip on the hilt of the blade, I rushed out of the closet. Cas stood in the middle of the room, his face buried in his hands. As much as I hated seeing him like this, what had I expected? There was no way he would've reacted any differently.

"I can't believe this..." I heard him mumble.

I tore my gaze away from his figure and focused on the task at hand. "Cas, we don't really have time for this. If we manage to survive tonight, then you can call me all the names you want, empty your heart at me or slit my throat. If you want to drown me in wolf's bane, then fine but can we just focus on not being flaming dog meat?"

I opened the cabinet under the sink and fumbled on the side before finding the special ink I had hidden. I brought the small flask to my eye, watching the smoke-like liquid swirl around. I didn't have much left, but it would have to be enough.

I quickly close the cabinet doors and rushed to the heavy metal door, the only possible entrance to the safe house. After opening the cork, I dipped the red blazing blade in the shadow liquid. I then brought the blade up to the door and carved ancient symbols, the liquid swirling around the metal door before taking some sort of shape.

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