Harvest festival

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Nobody Pov

It was Lucy turn for the Miss fairytail contest and she was about to do her cheerleader act when Evergreen comes up. "Who are you?" Lucy asked. "the woman that wins" she smirks taking off her glasses. "Don't look into her eyes Lucy!" But it was to late Lucy turns to stone and the other ladies appear as stone.

Then Laxus appears Master Makarov is boiling with anger. "LAXUS WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS" Master yells and he goes around the statures. "Nothing Gramps..just i done with watching these idiots make this guild look like a pile of shit". "the game is simple" Laxus smirks. "You hand over the guild and ill let them back to normal..if not?" He aims a lighting ball at Lucy and just misses

"they all turn into a pile of rubble" Master was mad and was about to explode with anger when Laxus vanishes. "We have to save the girls!" A guild member said. Then Y/N pokes her head from behind the stage. "Y/N?" Gramps said somewhat surprised. "Its ok Ever didn't get a chance on me..i threatened to tell her secret otherwise" she smirks.

"this is the battle of fairytail" Y/N went serious and then gramps spoke. "GO MY CHILDREN FIND LAXUS AND BET HIM" The guild cheer and they all run out. Master was but he was trapped in a barrier. "No stone statues and those older then 80 can't leave" the barrier says and master boils. "master maybe i can stop Laxus..." Y/N said. "i would love you to but we need to get the statures back to normal.

"Battle Alzack vs Jet and Droy the winner Alzack" on the barrier. We stood there eyes widen. I looked over at Natsu and shook him "NATSU!" I yelled. He woke up and tried to leave but he couldn't because of the spell. "WHAT!!" Me and master yells. Then another gets on. "Freed Vs Reedus: Winner Freed" Master sigh.

"He was meant to go to get Porlyusica" he didn't make it. Then Laxus appears and starts laughing. "LAXUS STOP THIS" Y/N Screams. "Y-Y/N your meant to be turned to stone!" Laxus yells. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Tears were in Y/N eyes and laxus looks away. "i want the guild end of story." He smirks going up to the stones. "i think i might end up just killing them...." Laxus says.

"your bluffing" Y/N said. She saw right through Laxus but he wasnt going to fall for it. "Oh really? With Erza and Natsu out of the way nobody can win..just hand over the guild old man before i make work with my toys" Laxus smirks going up to Cana. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Y/N yells and Laxus vanishes.

"Dont worry Y/N we still have grey" Master says then something appears on the barrier. "Grey Vs Bixlow"

Y/N Pov

"Grey Vs Bixlow" appears on the barrier. Why is Laxus doing this?!?! Hes not the man i loved. What happened to him last week he was happy and now hes like this! Some time has past then the barrier says Bixlow won and i grit my teeth. "Bix.." I mutter.

Master looks at me i was about to join the fight but he held me back. "wait..we need you here if Laxus has no hostages then he would come after you..." Master Says and Natsu looks at me. I smell something. "GAJEEL?!?!" I shouted and Natsu and Master look at the bar with Gajeel eating Iron."Gajeel your our only hope you have to defect Laxus" Master explains.

"Ok..if you insist" Gajeel walks right into the barrier. "YOUR OVER 80 TOO?" Natsu shouts and i burst out laughing as they fight. The barrier comes up with. "Nab and Laki have been defeated by Bixlow and Freed finished off Alzack."only 3 remain" I said. " THAT'S ME GAJEEL AND NATSU" I pointed out. "lets bring Erza back then" Natsu said walking to Erza and cracks Erza.

"BAKA STOP IT NATSU" I scream and Natsu keeps saying sorry then Erza brakes out. "I'm free?" Erza asked "your eye...must make the spell weaker" i said. "Erza you have to go find Ever and defect her" Master says and she runs out and the barrier says "5 remain Erza joins" And it says "Mytsogan Vs Laxus" and our eyes widen.

Laxus Pov

The Fairy Queen decides to join in on the fun. I see Mystogen. "welcome to the game..." I smirk and We go right into a fight and i sense Ever vs Erza. "dont let mt down Ever"

Y/N Pov

The barrier says Erza won and everyone changes back "Wow..that felt wired" Levy says i look at her. "Levy!!! we need you" i shouted and she comes over. "start work on the barrier so Gajeel and Natsu can leave" I said and i start going. "time for us to play..." I said and the girls run out apart from me. "im going after Laxus..." I say.

"Be careful Y/n" Natsu said. i Leave the barrier and change into my purple dragon and fly to try find Laxus. "watch yourself Y/N" Master says as i flew out of sight and then the Thunder palace appears. I almost hit one of them but i missed. "hes done it...i need to go help the others.

Nobody Pov

It turns out to be Freed vs Cana and Juvia. and Now Bixlow vs Lucy. Lucy with the help of Loke start to fight Bixlow and Lucy wins. Cana and Juvia gets trapped in Freed's barrier and Juvia hits one of the thunder palace orbs and it put the barrier down and now it was freed vs Cana. Cana was having trouble and then Mira and Elfman appear.

Cana is defected Elfman tries to fight but he broke the rules to the 'game' and put Elfman in pain and it made Mira change into her Satan soul and defect Freed. Natsu is looking for Laxus and Master had a heart Attack and wont last lone and got Levy to go find Laxus.

Y/N Pov

I couldn't find Laxus until i heard a bang and it was Gajeel and Natsu about to get killed by Laxus. He released a spell and i changed Human and jumped into the Cathedral roof and took the hit and it hurt because he was a dragon slayer and im technically a dragon. I screamed as the lighting hit be and everyone just stared and i fall to my knees. "Y/N!" Natsu screams and Laxus eyes were widen.

My eyes were galaxy purple and i grit my teeth and stood. "Ill leave this to you guys" i said my eyes change to green and i turned to them(if there natural green then its a brighter green) I crouched down and i healed them. "I need to stop the thunder palace" I said calmly.

"Your injured..you cant" Gajeel said. "I need to stop Erza as well she went to stop it...GOOD LUCK!" I shouted before changing into my little dragon and flying out of the roof. "Y/N WAIT" Laxus yells trying to grab me but Natsu and Gajeel punch him back. " deal with us!" They said in unison.

~~With Erza~~

"Erza stop!" i shouted and i grabbed her knowing she couldn't make enough to destroy them all. I Changed human i was injured bad and i grabbed Erza hand making the spell stop and her magic to go back into her. "Y/N..you look horrible what happened?" Erza asked. "i saved Gajeel and Natsu by taking one of Laxus attack and since hes a dragon slayer it hurt more" I said Erza hugged me.

"what are you going to do?" Erza said. "Anything to stop this chaos" I said changing into my Nature Dragon and i take flight all the Guild woke up and watched me destroy the Palace everyone stopped and watched. "NO!" "STOP IT" "YOUR GOING TO KILL YOURSELF" "Y/N!!" I heard the guild screaming and tear comes out my eye.

I finished the palace is destroyed and everyone looked at me i smiled and i couldn't stay dragon anymore i got hit by the thunder palace hard and i started to fall out of the sky and i changed human mid air. Erza catches me right before i hit the floor i was out cold and having trouble breathing the last thing i said was. "I forgive you" I passed out and everything went black.

A/N: I really LONG chapter today i did all the harvest festival in one chapter i feel proud this took me 2/3 hours and im tired lol i wanna give my shout out to Lucy-Heartfilia01 because she added this book to her reading list and its the first time someone done that so thats my shout out for today

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